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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 31 March 2023
            Judge’s ruling undercuts U.S. health law’s preventive care

            By PAUL J. WEBER                                                                                                    said in a statement follow-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing  the  ruling  that  people
            AUSTIN,  Texas  (AP)  —  A                                                                                          with  low  incomes  have
            federal judge in Texas who                                                                                          been  able  to  get  services
            previously ruled to disman-                                                                                         they need as care has ex-
            tle the Affordable Care Act                                                                                         panded  over  the  past  de-
            struck  down  a  narrower                                                                                           cade because of the law.
            but key part of the nation’s                                                                                        “Fundamentally,    people
            health law Thursday that re-                                                                                        across the country deserve
            quires most insurers to cov-                                                                                        the  opportunity  to  receive
            er  preventive  services  that                                                                                      these important preventive
            include screenings for can-                                                                                         services  that  have  been
            cer,  diabetes  and  mental                                                                                         proven  to  help  them  live
            health.                                                                                                             longer and healthier lives,”
            Other  no-cost  services,  in-                                                                                      Barry said.
            cluding HIV screenings, are                                                                                         The  U.S.  Department  of
            also  impacted  under  the                                                                                          Health  and  Human  Servic-
            ruling by U.S. District Judge                                                                                       es  did  not  immediately  re-
            Reed  O’Connor  that  op-                                                                                           spond to a message seek-
            ponents say will jeopardize                                                                                         ing comment on the ruling.
            preventive care for millions                                                                                        The  Biden  administration
            of Americans.                                                                                                       had  told  the  court  that
            Experts  cautioned  that  in-                                                                                       the  outcome  of  the  case
            surers  are  unlikely  to  stop   The website is seen on Dec. 14, 2021, in Fort Washington, Md.      “could  create  extraordi-
            any  coverage  immediate-                                                                          Associated Press   nary  upheaval  in  the  Unit-
            ly.                                                                                                                 ed  States’  public  health
              The  Biden  administration  dation. The decision comes  of preventive care  includ-  ommendations  by  the  U.S.  system.”
            was  also  expected  to  ap-  more  than  four  years  after  ing  screenings  for  multiple  Preventive  Services  Task  More than 20 states, mostly
            peal and seek a stay of the  O’Connor,  a  nominee  of  types of cancer  siding with  Force, which is made up of  controlled  by  Democrats,
            ruling.                      former  President  George  plaintiffs  who  include  a  volunteers. O’Connor ruled  had       urged    O’Connor
            “This  is  not  the  potential  W. Bush, ruled that the en-  conservative activist in Tex-  that  enforcing  the  recom-  against  a  sweeping  ruling
            fatal  blow  to  the  ACA  like  tire  health  care  law  also  as  and  a  Christian  dentist  mendations  was  “unlaw-  that  would  do  away  with
            previous  court  cases,  but  known  as  “Obamacare”  who  opposed  mandatory  ful”  and  a  violation  of  the  the preventive care cover-
            it  would  limit  a  very  popu-  was  unconstitutional.  The  coverage  for  contracep-  Constitution’s Appointment  age requirement entirely.
            lar benefit that tens of mil-  U.S.  Supreme  Court  over-  tion  and  an  HIV  preven-  Clause, which lays out how  The  ruling  applies  to  rec-
            lions  of  people  use,”  said  turned that ruling.       tion  treatment  on  religious  government  officials  can  ommendations  made  by
            Larry  Levitt,  executive  vice  This time O’Conner blocked  grounds.                  be appointed.                the task force after March
            president  for  health  policy  only  the  requirement  that  The  requirements  for  cov-  Dr. Michael Barry, chairman  2010, when the Affordable
            at  the  Kaiser  Family  Foun-  most insurers cover a range  erage  are  driven  by  rec-  of  the  federal  task  force,  Care  Act  was  enacted.q

            Gun injuries in U.S. surged during pandemic, CDC study shows

            By MIKE STOBBE               said  in  a  study  published  Catherine  Barber,  a  senior  violence, including a rise in  The CDC study shows a rise
            AP Medical Writer            Thursday. In 2022, gun inju-  injury  researcher  at  Har-  guns purchased, more time  in gun injuries around mid-
            NEW YORK (AP) — For every  ries  tapered  off,  but  were  vard  University’s  school  of  spent  inside  homes  where  March  2020,  after  a  pan-
            American killed by gunfire,  still 20% higher than before  public health.              guns are present and men-    demic emergency was de-
            an  estimated  two  or  more  the pandemic.               The CDC study results came  tal  health  struggles  stem-  clared and lockdowns and
            more  survive,  often  with  Gun  injuries  rose  similarly  from  more  than  2,200  U.S.  ming  from  social  isolation  other  measures  were  put
            terrible injuries  a fact that  for  men  and  women  over  hospital  emergency  de-   and economic hardships.      into place. q
            public  health  experts  say  the past three years, while  partments, which represent
            is  crucial  to  understanding  the largest proportional in-  the bulk of the nation’s ERs,
            the  full  impact  of  guns  on  crease  occurred  among  said  Thomas  Simon,  one
            society.                     children younger than 15, a  of  the  authors  of  the  new
            A  new  government  study  subset that remains a small  study.
            highlights  just  how  violent  fraction of the overall prob-  The study suggests that the
            America’s  recent  past  has  lem.                        number of gunshot-related
            been  by  showing  a  surge  Experts say the CDC gun in-  ER  visits  at  hospitals  in  the
            in  gunfire  injuries  during  jury study, which uses data  study  rose  from  around
            the  COVID-19  pandemic,  from  hospital  emergency  50,000 in 2019 to more than
            when  the  number  of  peo-  departments,  helps  pro-    72,000  in  2020.  Because
            ple  fatally  shooting  each  vide  a  more  comprehen-   more  than  a  quarter  of
            other  and  themselves  also  sive picture of gun violence  U.S.  hospital  emergency
            increased.                   in  America  than  simply  departments  were  not  in-
            The  number  of  people  in-  measuring  homicides  and  volved in the study, the ac-
            jured  by  gunfire  was  near-  suicides.                 tual  number  is  likely  signifi-
            ly  40%  higher  in  2020  and  “Hospitals  are  a  great  cantly higher.
            2021, compared with 2019,  place  to  keep  the  pulse  Experts  believe  a  variety   The owner of a shooting range, prepares to load bullets in his
                                                                                                   9mm semi-automatic handgun for a demonstration, Thursday,
            the  Centers  for  Disease  on  who  is  being  shot,  and  of  factors  contributed  to   June 23, 2022, in New York.
            Control  and  Prevention  when  and  where,”  said  the pandemic surge in gun                                                   Associated Press
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