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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 24 January 2023
            Senior UK Conservatives under fire over tax, finances

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                                                    the  headlines  after  media
            Associated Press                                                                                                   revealed  that  in  2021,  Ca-
            LONDON (AP) — U.K. Prime                                                                                           nadian  businessman  Sam
            Minister Rishi Sunak opened                                                                                        Blyth,  a  distant  cousin,
            an  investigation  Monday                                                                                          acted as guarantor for an
            into  allegations  that  the                                                                                       800,000-pound  ($993,000)
            chairman of the governing                                                                                          line  of  credit  for  the  then
            Conservative  Party  settled                                                                                       prime minister.
            a   multimillion-dollar   un-                                                                                      Sharp  told  the  Sunday
            paid  tax  bill  while  he  was                                                                                    Times he had “simply con-
            in  charge  of  the  country’s                                                                                     nected” people and there
            Treasury.                                                                                                          was  no  conflict  of  interest.
            It’s  one  of  multiple  stories                                                                                   He  said  Monday  that  he
            about  secret  loans  and                                                                                          had  called  an  internal  in-
            unpaid  taxes  causing  dis-                                                                                       vestigation  at  the  publicly
            comfort for Sunak, who has                                                                                         funded  national  broad-
            faced  scrutiny  for  his  own                                                                                     caster  “to  ensure  that  all
            personal wealth and family                                                                                         the  appropriate  guidelines
            tax arrangements.                                                                                                  have been followed.”
            Party chairman Nadhim Za-                                                                                          William   Shawcross,    the
            hawi  has  acknowledged                                                                                            commissioner  for  public
            a  dispute  with  tax  authori-                                                                                    appointments, also said he
            ties over shares in YouGov,                                                                                        would review Sharp’s hiring
            a polling company he co-                                                                                           to ensure it was done “fair-
            founded.  But  he  said  that                                                                                      ly, openly and on merit.”
            the error was “careless and   Britain’s  Conservative  Party  Chairman  Nadhim  Zahawi,  center,  leaves  the  Conservative  Party   Johnson told Sky News that
            not deliberate.”             head office in Westminster, central London, Monday, Jan. 23, 2023.                    Sharp “is a good and wise
            “So  that  I  could  focus  on                                                                    Associated Press  man,  but  he  knows  abso-
            my life as a public servant,  September, during the final  me and clearly in this case  said.                      lutely  nothing  about  my
            I  chose  to  settle  the  mat-  weeks of former Prime Min-  there  are  questions  that  Sunak  took  office  as  U.K.  personal  finances    I  can
            ter and pay what they said  ister Boris Johnson’s tenure.  need answering,” he said.   leader  in  October,  promis-  tell  you  that  for  100%  ding
            was  due,  which  was  the  Sunak said Monday he had  Angela  Rayner,  deputy  ing  “integrity,  professional-     dang sure.”
            right thing to do,” he said in  asked  his  standards  advi-  leader  of  the  opposition  ism and accountability” af-  The  stories  are  fuel  for  op-
            a statement.                 sor,  Laurie  Magnus,  “to  in-  Labour Party, said that the  ter a tumultuous few years  ponents  who  accuse  Su-
            The  BBC  and  other  British  vestigate  the  matter  fully  standards  inquiry  was  a  that  saw  Johnson  ousted  nak  –  a  former  investment
            media  reported  that  the  and  establish  all  the  facts  “pathetic  attempt  to  pass  by  multiple  scandals  and  banker  who  is  married  to
            tax  bill,  including  a  fine,  and provide advice to me  the buck” on Sunak’s part.  his  successor  Liz  Truss  top-  the  daughter  of  an  Indian
            came  to  almost  5  million  on Nadhim Zahawi’s com-     “Rishi Sunak’s vote of con-  pled  within  weeks  of  tak-  billionaire  –  of  leading  a
            pounds  ($6.2  million).  They  pliance with the ministerial  fidence  in  Nadhim  Zahawi  ing office after her policies  government of the wealthy
            say  the  bill  was  settled  code.”                      is  yet  another  example  of  rocked the U.K. economy.  that  is  out  of  touch  with
            when Zahawi was Treasury  “Integrity  and  account-       his  weak  leadership  and  Johnson’s    financial   ar-  the  struggles  of  ordinary
            chief  between  July  and  ability is really important to  appalling  judgment,”  she  rangements  are  back  in  people.q

             France is “very sexist,” watchdog body says, sounding alarm

            PARIS  (AP)  —  Five  years  ing  been  badgered  by  she added.
            into  the  #MeToo  move-     their  partners  into  sexual  “Young people, in particu-
            ment,  French  society  “re-  acts that they didn’t want.  lar, are brought up digitally
            mains very sexist in all of its  Around one in seven of the  on  these  scenes  of  mun-
            spheres,”  a  government-    survey’s  women  respon-     dane violence, of relations
            created  equality  watch-    dents said men had forced  between  men  and  wom-
            dog  said  in  an  annual  sex on them, and a similar  en  that  are  completely  of
            report  Monday  that  also  number  reported  having  domination  and  dominat-
            sounded  the  alarm  about  been  hit  and  shoved  by  ed,  and  that  has  impreg-
            double-digit rates of sexual  their  partners,  the  council  nated society,” Pierre-Bros-
            violence reported by wom-    said.                        solette  said,  speaking  to
            en.                          The  council’s  president,  broadcaster France Inter.
            The High Council for Equal-  Sylvie    Pierre-Brossolette,  “Uprooting  sexism  is  very
            ity  between  Women  and  expressed  particular  con-     hard,” she added.
            Men  called  for  a  national  cern  about  sexism  among  The  council’s  proposed
            “emergency plan” to com-     younger  men  “bathed  in  10-point  plan  of  action  in-  French  President  Emmanuel  Macron  speaks  a  joint  press
            bat  what  it  described  as  social media, digital (tech-  cluded  a  call  for  tougher   conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Sunday, Jan.
            “the  massive,  violent  and  nology),   pornography.”  regulation  of  online  con-   22, 2023 at the Elysee Palace in Paris.  Associated Press
            sometimes  lethal  conse-    She  said  sexism  must  be  tent.   Other   suggestions
            quences” of sexism against  “fought  from  the  young-    included  making  training  and others for girls.         ond  woman  to  hold  the
            women.                       est  of  ages.”  The  council  against  sexism  obligatory  France  has  made  signifi-  post and parliament’s low-
            In  a  survey  commissioned  will  present  its  findings  to  in workplaces and banning  cant  progress  in  some  ar-  er house also has its first-ev-
            by  the  council,  one-third  French President Emmanu-    adverts  that  suggest  some  eas.  Prime  Minister  Elisa-  er  woman  president,  Yaël
            of  women  reported  hav-    el Macron on Wednesday,  children’s toys are for boys  beth  Borne  is  only  its  sec-  Braun-Pivet, since June.q
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