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obituario/internacional Diahuebs 23 November 2023
Humanitarionan kier mas ayudo pa Gaza y acceso
na rehen bao tregua entre Israel y Hamas
God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God,
and God abides in him. desde e comienso di e guera
1 John 4:16 ta via e crusada Rafah entre
With deep sorrow we announce the sudden passing of our Egipto y Gaza. Gran canti-
beloved: dad di suministro a ser hiba e
ciudad di El-Arish na Egipto,
Marie Louisa Eugenie Josephine y trcuknan a alinea pa drenta
Cleopatra Lake
better known as: “Wiza” or “Juff. Louisa” Gaza. Inspeccion intenso di
*09-11-1957 - †14-11-2023 parti di forsanan Israeli na e
trucknan y su cargamento a
Her parents: †Mother: Olive E. Arrindell †Father: Joseph H. Lake Sr.
causa cu e entrada di e truck-
She has left to mourn:
Daughter : Zuleika Lake & partner Michel Arrindell nan aki ta mas poco poco.
Grandchildren: Amayah Lake, Amazayah Arrindell Joel Weiler, director ehecuti-
Adopted daughters & son: Swinda, Andrisca, Milaiska, Pricilla, Francisca, Kendra, Abigail, vo di Doctors of The World,
Denise, and Nial. un organisacion basa na Paris,
God-daughters: Shamilla, Richeline, and Angelique. grandi den mundo. a bisa cu un bentana di 4 dia
ta demasiado tiki.
Vincent Rohan (Aruba) Henter e comunidad interna-
†Louis Arrindell (St. Maarten) cional y gruponan di ayudo “Aunke e ayudo drenta, e lo
Francisco Arrindell (St. Maarten)
†Elizabeth Arrindell (St. Maarten) ta purbando di yega maner- tuma mas di 3 pa 4 dia pa por
Alan Evertsz (Aruba) anan pa hiba ayudo na Gaza hiba esaki na e dokternan
Joseph Lake Jr. (St. Maarten)
Jacqueline Lake-Sample (USA) desde cu Israel a cuminsa su y despues e pleitamento ta
Priscilla Gumbs (Anguilla) retaliacion contra Hamas su cuminsa atrobe,” el a conta.
Judith Lake (Curacao)
Lasana M. Sekou (St. Maarten) asesinato di 1,200 persona “E ta un chiste.”
Carmen Bowers-Lake (St. Maarten) na Israel dia 7 di october. E
†Jasmine Lake-Hodge (England)
James Lake (USA) contra atake di Israel a causa Varios humanitario ta bisa cu
David Wilson (St. Maarten) e fayecimento di por lo me- cargamento via Rafah ta sola-
Daphne Illis (St. Maarten)
Nkosazana Esther Illis (St. Maarten) nos 11,000 persona na Gaza mente un druppel compara
Juanita Lake-Shanks (USA)
Macfolda Gumbs (St. Maarten) segun e oficialnan di Gaza a cu e necesidad total di e 2,3
Katrina Lake (St. Maarten) reporta. miyon persona y kier e res-
Jomo Lake (USA)
Yolanda Carter (USA) tauracion di acceso via Kerem
Randy Hawley (St. Maarten) Della Longa a expresa frus- Shalom, e entrada principal
Mobutu Illidge (St. Maarten)
†Micheline Douglas-Illidge (St. Maarten) tracion cu e obstaculonan cu pa articulonan comercial na
Brother-in-laws: a complica e entrega di ayudo Gaza for di Israel. Esaki a ser
Roberto Bowers (AP) - Gruponan di ayu-
Barry Sample do internacional ta bisa na Gaza. Su grupo ta spera cu cera desde cu e conflicto en-
Andre Shanks e acuerdo aki lo apresura e tre Israel y Hamas a cuminsa.
cu nan ta cla pa entrega
Sister-in-laws: miles di truck di cum- proceso di hiba ayudo na e si- “Si Kerem Shalom no habri,
Gloria Geerman tio. E unico ruta pa ayudo in- e pesadilla di logistica lo con-
Patricia Maxwell-Lake inda, awa y otro sumin-
Chantal Wilson ternacional por drenta Gaza tinua.”
Evagerlista Lake istronan na Gaza si un
Shonette Lake paro di tiro temporario na
Aunts: den e guera entre Israel y
†Lucia Eights Hamas tuma luga manera
†Isabel Lake
a spera riba diahuebs.
†Francisco Arrindell
†Dedrick Arrindell Algun a yama esaki un prome
†Oswald Richardson paso importante, pero varios
†Dedrick Richardson
†Austin Lake a bisa cu un tregua di 4 dia
no ta suficiente pa cumpli
Nieces and Nephews: Izaira, Twizza, Arouska +, Virughia, Meylba Arrindell, Alsen Yanga,
Sundiata, Shaka, Nzinga, Ayana, Nkosi, Mikaela, Chiaira, Joshua, †Bakari, Serwa, Wasifa, cu e necesidadnan despues
Shari, Vaughn, Orlando, Lasana, Diveltah, Jonas, Kendra, Gregory, Marquis, Mariah, di 7 siman di lucha cu a des-
Anuedy, Jameela, Rasheeda, Kenrisha, Hakim, Tsjaquilla, Tsjaniqua, Sherwin, Shermeeka,
Malik, Jhonica, Ajani, Anthony, Simone, Kenzira, Seannaria and Seannaius. plasa centenares y miles di
Palestino awo bibando den
Great nieces and nephews are too numerous to mention.
condicionnan miserabel.
Cousins: Francisca Arrindell, Patricia Arrindell, Catherine Connor, Carl Arrindell, Lisette Detayenan clave di e acuerdo
van der Hage-Arrindell, Esther Quashi, Elfrida, †Maria, Honoree and Mayra Eights, Tony,
Vanita and Cynthy Hawley, Julio Lake, †Beulah Richardson, †Joan Richardson, Jessie and anuncia diahuebs no ta cla,
Juvienca Jeoffrey,
Flor Richardson, Candy, †Terry and Don Lake , Rudy and Vincenzo Richardson, Austin incluyendo e mecanica di
Gordon, Franky and Michell Artsen, and Alexander Manuela. con lo ricibi mas ayudo pa e
Many more cousins, too numerous to mention. varios ciudadano desespera y
hiba e prome grupo di rehen
Close Friends: Debra Warner, Jacqueline Warner, Suzette Charles, Winnie Priam, Linda
Pompier, Shirley Daguiar, Glenda Haynes, Marlene Patrice, Eliese Johnson, Sharon Israeli fuera di Gaza.
Williams, Yvonne Arrindell, Virginia Vanterpool, Anky van der Linden-Vrolijk, Weslyn
Rogers, Marijke, and Pat Thomas.
Gruponan di ayudo ta bisa
Her San Nicolas Evangelical Church Family & Peniel Baptist Church Family, Her YMCA cu un ambicion clave ta pa
Family, Her WIB Family, and Her Volleyball Family.
hiba ayudo na Gaza, cual ta
She was related to the following families: Lake, Arrindell, Richardson, Curlingford, Gittens, grandemente inaccesibel y
Rohan, Connor, Bowers, Gumbs, Evertsz, Wilson, Illis, Sample, Shanks, Carter, Hawley,
Eights, van der Hage, Quashi, Gordon, York, Illidge, Hodge, Douglas, Manuela, Matser, unda casi tur hospital a stop
Artsen, Marlin, Solomon, Jacobs, and Halman.
di traha durante un ofensiva
Wake: di forsanan Israeli. “Henter e
Wednesday November 22, 2023 at the Pray Funeral Home, San Nicholas
Time: 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm sector humanitario ta cla pa
drenta accion asina cu tur cos
Funeral Service:
Thursday November 23, 2023 at the Pray Funeral Home, San Nicholas ta cla,” Tommaso Della Lon-
Time: 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm ga, vocero di e International
Interment at the Sabana Basora Cemetery Federation of Red Cross y
Dress code: A touch of purple Red Crescent Societies a de-
The family would like to relax quietly after the funeral. clara. Ken ta un organisacion
In our bereavement, we sincerely apologize if we have forgotten any one, it was not our cu ta practicamente e grupo
di ayudo humanitario mas