Page 18 - HOH
P. 18
Monday 23 May 2022 locAl
Honoring of a loyal visitor at Costa Linda Beach Resort
the restaurants and the
The wonderful visitors loves friendly people.
coming to the Island for its
white sandy beaches and The symbolic honorary title
friendly Arubans, saying is presented on behalf of
“Aruba is one of the saf- the Minister of Tourism, as
est to live and travel. It has a token of appreciation to
amazing susnsets. Costa the guests who visit Aruba
Linda is my second home between the 10-20-35 and
and the staff became my more consecutive year
family.” mark.
Our esteemed visitors Boekhoudt together with
Richard and Kathleen Ra- the representatives of Cos-
mondetta, residents of ta Linda Beach Resort pre-
Connecticut were also sented the certificates to
honorees on this day, be- the honorees, handed over
ing honored as Goodwill some presents and also
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, for continuously choosing The honorees are Thomas Ambassadors. thanked them for choos-
Aruba Tourism Authority Aruba as a favorite vaca- P. Malley, residents of For- ing Aruba as their favorite
representative Jonathan tion destination. The titles est Hills New York, who They love coming to our Is- vacation destination and
Boekhoudt had the great are as following: 10+ years have been honored as Dis- land for its perfect weather, as their home-away-from-
pleasure in honoring many “Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ tinguished Visitors. the white sandy beaches, home.q
loyal Aruba visitors with years “Goodwill Ambassa-
their distinctive certificates. dor” and 36+ years “Emer-
These certificates are a ald Ambassador”.
way to say “Masha Danki” Honoring of a loyal visitor at
Renaissance Ocean Suite
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, Aruba Tour- the Island for its local life, driving down
ism Authority representative Jonathan the village, food, beaches and water
Boekhoudt had the great pleasure in activities, they added that “Aruba has
honoring many loyal Aruba visitors with become our second home. And has a
their distinctive certificates. These certif- special place in our hearts. Meeting the
icates are a way to say “Masha Danki” locals is our favorite thing to do.”
for continuously choosing Aruba as a fa- The symbolic honorary title is presented
vorite vacation destination. The titles are on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a
as following: 10+ years “Distinguished token of appreciation to the guests who
Visitor”, 20+ years “Goodwill Ambassa- visit Aruba between the 10-20-35 and
dor” and 36+ years “Emerald Ambassa- more consecutive year mark.
Boekhoudt together with the represen-
The honorees are Jessica C. and Jes- tatives of Costa Linda Beach Resort pre-
senia B. Vaquerano, residents of Somer- sented the certificates to the honorees,
ville, Massachusetts who were honored handed over some presents and also
as Distinguished Visitors. thanked them for choosing Aruba as
their favorite vacation destination and
The wonderful visitors love coming to as their home-away-from-home.q