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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 20 March 2024

            Aruba to me

            ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  Speed  Printers  and  any  of
            back and we would like to  its  affiliated  companies  to
            portrait you! By inviting you  use  said  materials,  as  well
            to send us your favorite va-  as names, likeness, etc. for
            cation picture while enjoy-  promotional purposes with-
            ing our Happy Island.        out compensation.
                                         Last  but  not  least:  check
            Complete  the  sentence:  out our website, Instagram
            Aruba  to  me  is  …….  Send  and   Facebook      page!
            your  picture  with  that  text  Thank  you  for  supporting
            (including  your  name  and  our  free  newspaper,  we
            where  you  are  from)  to:  strive to make you a happy
    reader every day again.
            and  we  will  publish  your  For  today  we  received  a
            vacation    memory.    Isn’t  lovely  message  from  our
            that a special way to keep  awesome visitor Don Alhart
            your  best  moments  alive?  from the U.S.                Whenever  we  book  our  Island.”  When  departing,  are leaving.”
            Please do note: By submit-                                flight  to  Aruba,  I  always  the  “right”  side  provides
            ting photos, text or any oth-  He wrote to us saying: “Aru-  choose  seats  on  the  left  a good view of the coast,  Thank you for sending us this
            er  materials,  you  give  per-  ba to me is the left side of  side of the plane. That pro-  but  you  may  just  want  to  wonderful message sharing
            mission to The Aruba Today  the plane!                    vides  the  best  view  as  we  pull  down  the  shade-to,  what Aruba means to you
            Newspaper,      Caribbean                                 approach  “One  Happy  avoid  being  sad  that  you  with us and our readers!q

            Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill

            (Oranjestad)—If  you  are  mountain  located  in  the
            a  regular  hiker,  or  may-  coastal  state  of    Falcon  in
            be  want  to  spice  up  your  Venezuela,  providing  one
            morning  work  out  session,  of  the  best  views  you  can
            then  you  might  enjoy  one  get on Aruba.
            of the most popular climb-
            ing sites on the island: The  located  at  the  center  dis-
            Hooiberg  Hill.  Accompa-    trict  of  the  island,  Santa
            nied  with  a  600-step  stair-  Cruz,  the  Hooiberg  Hill  is
            case,  this  hill  overlooks  a  the  second  highest  point
            great part of the island, the  on the island at 165 meters
            Caribbean sea, and some-     above  sea  level  (or  about  The  highest  point  is  Ja-  587  steps.  However,  don’t
            times even the Santa Anna  540  feet  above  sea  level).  manota  Hill  at  189  meters  be  fooled—it  may  still  be
                                                                      (620  feet),  located  in  the  a  work  out  to  get  on  top.
                                                                      Arikok National Park.        In addition, there is now a
                                                                      The  staircase  that  run  on  gazebo placed halfway up
                                                                      the side of the hill was first  the stair for a little rest. The
                                                                      built in 1951, when Mr. Edu-  view  at  this  resting  stop  is
                                                                      ardo Tromp constructed it.  also a sight to see.
                                                                      At  that  time,  the  staircase
                                                                      consisted  of  900  steps.  The best time to climb the
                                                                      Over  time,  as  the  steps  hill  would  be  early  in  the
                                                                      faced erosion, the govern-   morning  or  right  before
                                                                      ment decided to renovate  sunset, as it may not be as
                                                                      these  stairs  in  1991.  This  hot.  However,  the  hill  is  of
                                                                      new  project  delivered  the  course open all day, every
                                                                      newer  staircase  with  only  day. q
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