Page 6 - AAA 3 OCT,2015
P. 6

                                                                                                                                          Saturday 3 October 2015

Chick-fil-A opening NYC outpost in national push 

CANDICE CHOI                   expansion and is opening       “There are so many places              founder Truett Cathy than        touched off protests by gay
Associated Press               nearly 100 new locations       where we have no pres-                 for its sweet tea and waf-       rights advocates after CEO
NEW YORK (AP) — Chick-         a year. The chain now has      ence, or limited presence.             fle fries. On its website, the   Dan Cathy voiced support
fil-A will open an outpost in  more than 1,900 stores in 42   It’s just a lot of opportunity.”       privately-held company           for “biblical families.” The
New York City on Saturday,     states, although its heaviest  Among the areas the                    says its corporate purpose       company has since tried
marking a high-profile mile-   presence is in the South.      company doesn’t have as                is to “glorify God by being a    to draw a distinction that
stone in its push to become    “We feel like we’re pretty     many stores are New Eng-               faithful steward of all that is  the beliefs of its ownership
a bigger national player.      small and we could build       land and the Northwest.                entrusted to us.”                and itsbusiness. In a fact
The Atlanta-based chain        restaurants for a long time,”  For those who don’t live               Its stores are closed on Sun-    sheet for the media, Chick-
known for its fried chicken    said David Farmer, Chick-fil-  near a Chick-fil-A, the chain          days, and the New York City      fil-A notes that it “does not
sandwiches with pickles        A’s vice president of menu     may be better known for                location will not be an ex-      have an opinion as an
has been stepping up its       strategy and development.      the Christian beliefs of its           ception. In 2012, Chick-fil-A    organization.”q

Wal-Mart HQ cuts ‘to become a more agile company’ 

Wal-Mart Chief Executive Officer Doug McMillon speaks at the company’s shareholder meeting           has made in e-commerce           undergoing a major over-
                                                                                                     as well as higher wages for      haul in response. It’s trying
in Fayetteville, Ark. On Friday, Oct. 2, 2015, Wal-Mart laid off 450 workers at its headquarters in  hourly workers.                  to improve pricing and se-
                                                                                                     A previous round of lay-         lection as well as beefing
Bentonville, Ark., as the world’s largest retailer attempts to become more nimble to compete         offs in Bentonville was an-      up customer service. It’s
                                                                                                     nounced in 2010 when 300         also expanding the num-
with the likes of 					                           (AP Photo/Danny Johnston)              jobs were eliminated, but        ber of centers dedicated
                                                                                                     the latest marks the larg-       to fulfilling e-commerce or-
A. D’INNOCENZIO                There are more than 18,000     spoken with individually               est cuts since 2009, when        ders and it announced this
AP Retail Writer               people who work at the         early on Friday.                       the discounter laid off          week that it would accel-
NEW YORK (AP) — Wal-           headquarters in Benton-        The layoffs follow months              800 employees as the U.S.        erate the expansion of its
Mart laid off 450 workers at   ville, Arkansas, a close-knit  of rumors about them and               emerged from recession.          grocery deliveries.
its headquarters Friday as     community in northwest         they arrived less than two             While it is the behemoth         “Our customers are chang-
the world’s largest retailer   Arkansas. The cuts were        months after Wal-Mart                  of retail, Wal-Mart Stores       ing. Retail is changing and
attempts to become more        across all areas, from fi-     trimmed its annual earn-               Inc. is attempting to make       we must change,” McMil-
nimble so that it can better   nance to global e-com-         ings outlook as profits fell.          changes that will allow it       lon wrote in the memo
compete with the likes of      merce. The company says        That is partly because of              to “move with speed and          obtained by The Associ-                    that the employees were        hefty investments Wal-Mart             purpose,” according to a         ated Press. “We need to
                                                                                                     memo sent by Wal-Mart            become a more agile
                                                                                                     CEO Doug McMillon to             company that can easily
                                                                                                     employees on Friday.             adapt to shifting customer
                                                                                                     Wal-Mart is facing intense       demand.”
                                                                                                     competition on all fronts,       Even with the economy
                                                                                                     ranging from          in recovery mode, retail-
                                                                                                     and dollar stores to the         ers are getting leaner and
                                                                                                     traditional grocery store        more agile with competi-
                                                                                                     chains that it has tried to      tion only growing fiercer.
                                                                                                     challenge.                       Target laid off 1,700 em-
                                                                                                     It is also trying to keep pace   ployees this year, largely at
                                                                                                     with the rapidly changing        its headquarters in Minne-
                                                                                                     behavior of shoppers who         apolis. Whole Foods Mar-
                                                                                                     are jumping back and             ket announced this week
                                                                                                     forth between their smart-       that it would cut 1,500 jobs
                                                                                                     phones and store aisles          over the next eight weeks
                                                                                                     when shopping.                   so that it can keep its pric-
                                                                                                     Wal-Mart’s U.S.  business  is    es competitive.q

Russian second largest airline in crisis as bankruptcy looms 

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia’s         However, the takeover has      the state-owned RIA No-                last two years. On Friday,       were listed as canceled,
second-largest airline, Tran-  collapsed in recent days       vosti news agency. He                  Aeroflot’s general director      while others were operat-
saero, is in crisis after two  and on Friday two major        blamed “ineffective man-               Vitaly Savelyev was quoted       ing. Transaero had said
creditors on Friday said       Russian lenders, Sberbank      agement” at Transaero for              by Russian news agencies         Thursday it was revising its
they will file bankruptcy      and Alfa Bank, announced       the company’s troubles.                as saying Transaero could        schedule. Aeroflot led Rus-
proceedings following the      their intention to bring       Transaero shares fell by               stop all flights Oct. 15, and    sian airlines by transporting
collapse of a takeover         bankruptcy proceedings         over 40 percent in Moscow              that between 5,000 and           17.28 million passengers on
plan.                          against Transaero, accord-     trading Friday and traded              6,000 of Transaero’s roughly     domestic and internation-
Transaero has been strug-      ing to statements on a         at less than 10 percent                11,500 staff could be of-        al routes in the first seven
gling with debt and last       Russian federal company        of their value compared                fered jobs with Aeroflot.        months of the year, com-
month a government com-        register. The Russian gov-     to eight months ago. The               Some scheduled Transaero         pared with 9.36 million for
mission arranged for most      ernment now considers          Russian airline sector as a            services to destinations         Transaero, according to
of the company’s shares to     that bankruptcy is “the only   whole has suffered from                such as the western Russian      Russia’s Federal Air Trans-
be taken over by the coun-     possible option,” economy      lower demand for foreign               city of Kaliningrad and the      port Agency. The next big-
try’s largest carrier, state-  minister Alexei Ulyukaev       travel due to the fall in the          Crimean city of Simferopol       gest airline, S7, transported
controlled Aeroflot.           was quoted as saying by        value of the ruble over the            on Friday and Saturday           5.45 million passengers.q
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