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            Wednesday 1 november 2017
            Loyal Guests Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority!

                                                                      PALM  BEACH  -  Recently     ribbean  Resort  &  Casino  Bellantuoni,  honored  as
                                                                      the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  and La Cabana Beach Re-     Goodwill Ambassadors!
                                                                      ity  had  the  great  pleasure   sort  as  Distinguished  Visi-  These special guests all love
                                                                      of honoring a group of very   tors  and  Goodwill  Ambas-  Aruba very much because
                                                                      special guest who are loyal   sadors.                     of the beaches, the friend-
                                                                      and friendly visitors of Aru-                             ly locals and the feeling of
                                                                      ba  at  the  Marriott  Ocean   The symbolic honorary titles  home-away-from-home.
                                                                      Club,  the Hilton Aruba Ca-  are presented in the name  The  certificates  were  pre-
                                                                                                   of the Minister of Tourism as  sented  by  Ms.  Marouska
                                                                                                   a token of appreciation to  Heyliger and Ms. Emily Rid-
                                                                                                   guests  who  visit  Aruba  for  derstaat  representing  the
                                                                                                   10-to-19 and 20-to-34 con-   Aruba Tourism Authority to-
                                                                                                   secutive years.              gether  General  Manager
                                                                                                   The honorees were Mr. Jef-   Mr.  Erwin  Noguera  of  the
                                                                                                   frey Hamel and Ms. Jennifer  Marriott  Surf  Club,  and  as-
                                                                                                   Webster  from  New  Jersey,  sociates  from  the  Hilton
              Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort)                      honored  as  Distinguished  Aruba  Caribbean  Resort
               FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE CASINO FROM ALL                                          Visitors, and Mr. Albert and  &  Casino  and  La  Cabana
              HIGH RISE AND LOW RISE HOTELS AND TIMESHARES.                                        Mrs.  Anne  Petera  and  Mr.  Beach Resort.q
                                                                                                   Anthony  and  Mrs.  Patricia
                 CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                            LIVE POKER

                                                                                                                Paradise in the Caribbean
                              GAMES START 8 PM TO THE WEE HOURS

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                                  $100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR
                      OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES

                              ONLY CASINO IN ARUBA TO OFFER 3, 4 & 5 TIME ODDS


                                        LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS
                                           THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS
                                                                                                                       SALES OFFICE +297 2801005
                                                                                                                           MOBILE +297 5927275
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