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A28    u.s. news
                 Dialuna 28 December 2020

                          Despite smooth election, GOP leaders seek vote restrictions

                                                                                                                        changes sought by elections officials,
                                                                                                                        such  as  providing  more  time  for
                                                                                                                        clerks to process mail ballots. Michi-
                                                                                                                        gan does not allow that work to begin
                                                                                                                        until the day before Election Day.
                                                                                                                        Lisa  Schaefer,  executive  director  of
                                                                                                                        the County Commissioners Associa-
                                                                                                                        tion of Pennsylvania, said her organi-
                                                                                                                        zation also would like to see lawmak-
                                                                                                                        ers focus on reducing the strain fac-
                                                                                                                        ing local election officials.

                                                                                                                        “The more time that we spend in de-
                                                                                                                        bating other issues, the less time that
                                                                                                                        we have to do something good with
                                                                                                                        changes to the election code,” Schae-
                                                                                                                        fer said.

                                                                                                                        Democrats and voting rights groups
                                                                                                                        have  already  begun  pushing  back,
                                                                                                                        saying Republicans should be focused
                                                                                                                        on protecting voter access to the polls
                                                                                                                        and not feeding into conspiracy theo-
                                                                                                                        ries launched by Trump and his allies
                                                                                                                        to undermine the Nov. 3 election.

                                                                                                                        They  say  ID  requirements  accom-
                                                                                                                        plish little, but have a high cost.

                                                                                                                        “It’s  a  solution  in  search  of  a  prob-
            (AP) — Changes to the way mil-      ing places during the pandemic.     ing in particular, even though courts  lem,”  said  California  Secretary  of
            lions of Americans voted this year                                      and elections officials have found no  State  Alex  Padilla,  a  Democrat  who
            contributed  to  record  turnout,  A few states sent ballots to every reg-  evidence of widespread problems.  was  recently  tapped  to  fill  the  U.S.
            but that’s no guarantee the mea-    istered  voter  while  others  dropped                                  Senate  seat  of  Vice  President-elect
            sures making it easier to cast bal-  requirements  that  voters  needed  a  “We’d  like  to  tighten  it  up  as  soon  Kamala Harris. “It will undoubtedly
            lots  will  stick  around  for  future  specific  excuse  to  cast  an  absentee  as we can,” said Pennsylvania Senate  have the net effect of disenfranchis-
            elections.                          ballot. Many states added drop boxes  Majority Leader Kim Ward.         ing a lot of people without necessarily
                                                and expanded early voting options.                                      improving election security.”
            Republicans in key states that voted                                    Republicans hold majorities in both  Padilla  supports  sending  registered
            for President-elect Joe Biden already  The changes were popular with vot-  legislative  chambers,  and  their  sup-  voters a ballot in the mail.
            are pushing for new restrictions, es-  ers  and  did  not  lead  to  widespread  port  was  instrumental  in  a  year-old
            pecially  to  absentee  voting.  It’s  an  fraud.  A  group  of  election  officials  state  law  that  expanded  mail  voting  Voter  fraud  does  happen,  but  stud-
            option  many  states  expanded  amid  including representatives of the fed-  to all registered voters. One bill being  ies have shown it’s exceedingly rare.
            the coronavirus outbreak that proved  eral  cybersecurity  agency  called  the  discussed would go so far as to repeal  Numerous  safeguards  are  built  into
            hugely  popular  and  helped  ensure  2020 presidential election the “most  that law and force voters to state an  voting  systems  to  ensure  that  only
            one of the smoothest election days in  secure” election in U.S. history, and  excuse to receive a ballot in the mail.  eligible voters cast a ballot. Election
            recent years.                       U.S. Attorney General William Barr  Previous  elections  have  shown  that  officials say when fraud does happen,
                                                told The Associated Press there had  voters appreciate mail voting, no mat-  people are caught and prosecuted.
            President  Donald  Trump  has  been  been no evidence of fraud that would  ter their party affiliation. Republican
            unrelenting  in  his  attacks  on  mail  change the outcome of the election.  candidates  down  the  ballot  did  very  Not  all  Republicans  are  seeking  to
            voting  as  he  continues  to  challenge  Nevertheless,  Republicans  in  Geor-  well this year, even as a record 81.2  add restrictions.
            the legitimacy of an election he lost.  gia have proposed adding a photo ID  million voters cast their ballot for the
            Despite a lack of evidence and dozens  requirement when voting absentee, a  Democrat in the presidential race.  In  Ohio,  Secretary  of  State  Frank
            of losses in the courts, his claims of  ban on drop boxes and possibly a re-                                LaRose  said  his  legislative  priorities
            widespread  voter  fraud  have  gained  turn to requiring an excuse for mail  In Michigan, Republicans held every  are to expand early voting locations,
            traction with some Republican elect-  voting, such as illness or traveling for  congressional seat and kept control of  increase  oversight  of  election  ven-
            ed officials.                       work on Election Day.               the  legislature  despite  Trump  losing  dors,  add  an  online  option  for  re-
            They  are  vowing  to  crack  down  on  Early  supporters  of  the  ID  require-  the state. Yet Republicans still held a  questing absentee ballots and address
            mail  ballots  and  threatening  to  roll  ment include Gov. Brian Kemp and  legislative hearing in which Trump’s  confusion over drop boxes.
            back  other  steps  that  have  made  it  Secretary of State Brad Raffensperg-  lawyers  argued  there  were  wide-
            easier for people to vote.          er,  Republicans  who  were  criticized  spread irregularities without explain-  “Ohio’s got a good thing going, but
                                                relentlessly  by  Trump  for  failing  to  ing how these somehow affected only  we don’t want to rest on our laurels,”
            “This myth could not justify throw-  back his fraud claims after losing in  the  presidential  race  but  not  other  said LaRose, who wants his priorities
            ing  out  the  results  of  the  election,  Georgia.  A  top  deputy  for  Raffens-  contests.              approved  by  the  Republican-domi-
            nor can it justify imposing additional  perger  has  said  the  ID  requirement  “Just like we have seen a lot of leg-  nated legislature.
            burdens on voters that will disenfran-  would  boost  public  confidence  and  islators  making  ill-advised  decisions
            chise many Americans,” said Wendy  refute any future claims of fraud.   to  hold  hearings  that  ended  up  be-  Kentucky Secretary of State Michael
            Weiser,  head  of  the  democracy  pro-                                 ing more political theater than policy  Adams  said  the  pandemic  forced
            gram at the Brennan Center for Jus-  The state’s two U.S. Senate runoffs  debates, we can similarly expect leg-  the  state  to  implement  early  voting,
            tice at the NYU School of Law.      next month will take place under cur-  islators  to  further  this  hyper-parti-  which proved popular among voters
                                                rent law, which requires local election  san agenda to restrict the vote,” said  of  both  major  parties.  The  Repub-
            An  estimated  108  million  people  officials to verify signatures on absen-  Michigan  Secretary  of  State  Jocelyn  lican  said  he  thinks  it’s  likely  state
            voted  before  Election  Day,  either  tee ballots.                     Benson, a Democrat.                 lawmakers will create an early voting
            through early in-person voting or by                                                                        policy  for  subsequent  elections  and
            mailing or dropping off absentee bal-  In Pennsylvania, Republican lawmak-  Benson  said  lawmakers  should  in-  has heard of no opposition to that in
            lots. That represented nearly 70% of  ers  have  been  writing  legislation  to  stead look to the high turnout for the  the GOP-controlled legislature.
            all votes cast, after states took steps to  address what they claim are problems  presidential election as a guide to im-
            make it easier to avoid crowded poll-  with the 2020 election and mail vot-  proving what worked and then make  “It just makes voting easier,” he said.
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