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                                                                                                                           Wednesday 23 august 2017

                ‘Meat up, at Ling & Sons Meat Fest’

                                                                                                             Ling & Sons
                                                                                                Schotlandstraat 41, Oranjestad, Aruba
                                                                                                           T +297 583 2370
                                                                                                Opening hours: Mon - Sat 8 am – 9 pm
                                                                                                           Sun 8 am – 6 pm

                                                                                          Where’s the Beef

                                                                                            The  meat  counter  is  known  around  the  island  for  its  superb-
                                                                                            quality meats assortment. The key to that is focusing on good-
                                                                                            quality core products– different cuts of beef, pork and chicken,
                                                                                            alongside more processed varieties like homemade sausages
                                                                                            and hamburgers. “Our meats come from the United States, as
                                                                                            well as Holland. Our signature beef is top American beef and
                                                                                            our meat comes in fresh weekly, but never frozen. That means
                                                                                            it is always as fresh as it can get. We are unique in Aruba with
                                                                                            that fact.” A specialty Ling & Sons is offering is the vacuum-
                                                                                            sealed  pork  belly.  Marinated  and  placed  in  a  vacuum  bag
                                                                                            rendering a result of the smoothest bite and filled with tastiness.
                                                                                             Meat Team

                                                                                            There is a team behind the meat counter at Ling & Sons, Ron-
               To be a successful butcher requires passion and knowledge, sound business    ald explains. “A multicultural team that helps create an open-
               sense and strong dedication. Dutchman Ronald is a butcher like that in flesh   ness towards a world of tastes. We aim to understand the cli-
               and blood, proud to have you taste the super quality meat this complete Meat   ent, no matter where they come from. We have professionals
               Month of August. To really unleash your inner carnivore Ling & Sons supermar-  behind the counter that really know their job.” This month the
               ket invites you to their German Meat Fest during the last week of August.
                                                                                            themes around the meat focus on the different cultures and
                                                                                            their specialties. “Next week I will personally demonstrate how
              “Quality meat is what we sell, and it makes me love my job to see that ac-    to cut pork, meanwhile guests will have plenty of time to sink
              knowledged by our customers”, Ronald says. “But the complete journey of       their teeth into brats and other German specialties”, says Ron-
              the meat from the butchery to my showcase is what enhances my passion.”       ald. So come and ‘meat up’ at Ling & Sons.
              The craft of the butcher is in his blood from when he was 18 years old, he was   For more information visit or www.face-
              introduced to the trade by his father-in-law.                       

            Loyal Guests Honored at the Hilton Aruba Beach Resort!

              PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had
              the  great  pleasure  of  honoring  a  very  loyal  couple  as
              Distinguished Visitors at the Hilton Aruba Beach Resort.

              The  symbolic  honorary  title  is  presented  in  the  name
              of the Minister of Tourism as a token of appreciation to
              guests who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 consecutive years.
              The  honorees  were  Mr.  Christopher  and  Mrs.  Colleen
              Legere of Massachusetts, celebrating their 12th consec-
              utive annual visit to Aruba!
              Christopher and Colleen are regular guests at the Hilton
              Aruba Beach Resort and they love Aruba very much be-
              cause of the friendly people, the climate, the beaches,
              the  restaurants,  and  the  relaxation.  They  say  being  on
              Aruba and staying at the Hilton Aruba Beach Resort is
              like being at their ‘home-away-from-home.’ The certifi-
              cate was presented by Ms. Marouska Heyliger represent-
              ing the Aruba Tourism Authority, together with associates
              from the Hilton Aruba Beach Resort.q
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