Page 28 - MIN TTC 8jan,2016
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                                                                                                                                                                        Friday 8 January 2016

At The Ritz-Carlton Aruba:

     Talented Local Artists on Exhibition at the HArt Gallery

PALM BEACH –4 of Aruba’s                                     and how they put togeth-      pieces yourself!               She completed her MFA
most talented artists un-                                    er their creative concepts    While select pieces have       degree in 1995 at the Uni-
veiled expositions recently                                  with the mediums they use.    been sold already, the ex-     versity of fine arts Arnhem,
at a Trunk show for the HArt                                 You see their artwork and     hibition continues through     the Netherlands.
Gallery at The Ritz-Carlton,                                 you know who they are.        January, 2016.                 Her travels as a textile de-
                                                             The exhibition features 7     HART Contemporary Art          signer for several compa-
Aruba. Elisa Lejuez-Peters,                                  paintings by the four Art-    Gallery located at the lob-    nies gave her the opportu-
Elvis Tromp, Frank Croes,                                    ists, and 1 sculpture by      by level in The Ritz-Carlton   nity to experience Asia on
and Stan Kuiperi are all                                     Frank Croes. Their works      Aruba.                         several occasions which
very well-known and tal-                                     showcase their artistically   The gallery opens every        caused for a strong influ-
ented local artists and                                      unique styles, and repre-     day from 10am - 7pm.           ence on her artistic career.
loved for their own style of                                 sent the best of Aruba’s      For more information and
paintings.                                                   talents!                      contact, please call: 660-          Continued on Page 14
After the Trunk show at the                                  The creative magical          4913 or 741-0490, or Email:
lobby, those artworks were                                   minds and colors of Aru-
moved to HArt Gallery!                                       ba can be appreciated
The HArt Gallery usually                                     through their artworks.       About the Artists:
showcases South Ameri-                                       Come and visit the HArt       -ELISA LEJUEZ-PETERS was
can collections, but they                                    Gallery at The Ritz-Carlton,  born on April 15th 1973,
                                                             Aruba and see these fine      and is the daughter of a
                                                                                           Caribbean mother and a
                              were excited to introduce                                    Dutch father. She has been
                              Aruba’s creative talents in                                  living and working in Aruba
                              an exposition that will be                                   since 1999.
                              viewable through January                                     Her art consists predomi-
                              2016.                                                        nantly of contemporary
                              According to Michiko                                         ‘neo pop’ painting elabo-
                              Takatsu of ‘Curators on                                      rated with bright colors,
                              the Go!’ there are many                                      mixed media elements
                              good artists/painters here                                   and silkscreen printing.
                              on Aruba, One Happy                                          Being extremely versatile,
                              Island, yet what makes                                       she also works in textile de-
                              them stand out from the                                      sign, fashion design, book-
                              rest is their professionalism                                making and installations.
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