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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 16 october 2023
            A Supreme Court dispute over a $15,000 IRS bill may be aimed at a

            never-enacted tax on billionaires

            Continued from Front                                                                   put up in 2006.              issue, the tax on billionaires
                                                                                                   Moore  also  was  prepared  that  has  been  proposed
            The  Moores  are  the  lat-                                                            to invest an another rough-  by some prominent Demo-
            est  example  of  plaintiffs                                                           ly  $250,000.  That  money  crats but never enacted.
            whose  lawsuits  seem  to                                                              was ultimately returned by  A  wealth  tax  would  apply
            simply  be  exercising  their                                                          KisanKraft,  along  with  12%  not  to  the  incomes  of  the
            legal rights, but whose cas-                                                           interest.                    very   richest   Americans,
            es  are  backed  by  others                                                            One  other  inconsistency  but  their  assets,  like  stock
            with enormous amounts of                                                               is  that  while  the  Moores  holdings, that now only get
            money or a consequential                                                               say  they  jointly  invested  taxed when they are sold.
            social  issue  at  stake.  The                                                         the  money,  only  Charles  “There really was no reason
            Moores  sought  help  from                                                             Moore’s  name  appears  in  for the court to take it on,
            the  anti-regulatory  Com-                                                             company documents.           other than to send a signal
            petitive Enterprise Institute.                                                         The  couple  and  their  law-  to  warn  off  the  Congress
            Underscoring the case’s im-                                                            yers  did  not  disclose  any  from  passing  a  billionaire
            portance  at  a  recent  Her-  A  sign  outside  the  Internal  Revenue  Service  building  is  seen,   of that information in legal  tax,” said Steven Rosenthal,
            itage  Foundation  event,    May 4, 2021, in Washington.                               filings in three different fed-  a  senior  fellow  at  the  Ur-
            lawyer  Paul  Clement  said,                                          Associated Press   eral  courts,  including  the  ban-Brookings  Tax  Policy
            “The  constitutionality  of  a                                                         Supreme Court.               Center.
            wealth tax may well be de-   to  them,  in  order  to  off-  over the company, Moore,  “The  original  declaration  Other  provisions  of  the  tax
            cided in the context of this  set  other  tax  benefits.  The  who  worked  at  Microsoft  on which the case is built is  code  could  be  upended
            case.”                       measure  is  expected  to  during  his  career  in  soft-  full of lies,” said Reuven Avi-  by  the  court’s  decision,
            Details  of  the  Moores’  in-  generate $340 billion in tax  ware development, served  Yonah, an international tax  including  measures  relat-
            volvement  with  the  com-   revenues.                    on KisanKraft’s board of di-  expert  at  the  University  of  ing  to  partnerships,  limited
            pany, initially called KisanK-  The  Moores,  along  with  rectors for five years.     Michigan law school.         liability  companies  and
            raft  Machine  Tools  Private  the U.S. Chamber of Com-   “The  story  the  Moores  told  In a brief conversation with  other  business  formations,
            Limited, were first reported  merce  and  conservative  about  Charles’  involve-      The Associated Press, Kath-  Rosenthal said.
            by Tax Notes, which caters  think  tanks,  contend  that  ment  with  KisanKraft  is  di-  leen  Moore  said  she  and  Changes  to  those  provi-
            to  tax  professionals.  The  the  provision  violates  the  rectly at odds with the fidu-  her husband would not dis-  sions  also  could  affect
            public  documents  are  fil-  16th  Amendment,  which  ciary  responsibilities  of  an  cuss the case and referred  some justices’ finances.
            ings with the Indian govern-  allows  the  federal  govern-  individual holding a board  questions  to  their  lawyers.  Chief  Justice  John  Roberts
            ment.                        ment to impose an income  seat  for  an  Indian  com-     Andrew    Grossman,    the  holds a one-eighth interest
            At issue in the case is a pro-  tax on Americans.         pany,”  Mindy  Herzfeld,  a  Moore’s lead attorney, did  worth  up  to  $15,000  in  an
            vision  of  the  2017  tax  bill  The  $15,000  tax  bill  was  professor of tax practice at  not  respond  to  messages  Irish  partnership  that  owns
            enacted by a Republican-     for  the  Moores’  share  of  the University of Florida law  seeking comment.          a  cottage  in  county  Lim-
            controlled  Congress  and  KisanKraft’s profits.          school, wrote in Tax Notes.  The  omissions,  along  with  erick,  Ireland,  and  Justice
            signed  by  then-President  “If  you  haven’t  received  And  there  are  other  indi-  the Moores’ failure to take  Clarence  Thomas’  wife,
            Donald Trump. The law ap-    any income, how can you  cations  of  Moore’s  more  advantage  of  other  legal  Ginni, owns a limited liabil-
            plies  to  companies  that  be required to pay income  extensive involvement with  options  that  would  have  ity  company  that  gener-
            are  owned  by  Americans,  taxes?” Charles Moore asks  KisanKraft than his testimo-   deferred, if not eliminated,  ated between $50,000 and
            but do their business in for-  in  a  video  posted  by  the  ny indicated. The company  their  tax  liability  make  Avi-  $100,000  in  income  last
            eign countries. It imposes a  Competitive  Enterprise  In-  paid  for  his  travel  to  India  Yonah  and  other  experts  year  from  Nebraska  real
            one-time  tax  on  investors’  stitute.                   four times and he made at  in international tax law sus-  estate,  according  to  the
            shares  of  profits  that  have  But far from being a passive  least  two  investments  be-  pect  the  case  was  manu-  justices’ financial disclosure
            not  been  passed  along  investor  with  no  influence  yond the $40,000  stake he  factured to get at a larger  forms.q

            Annual window to shop for Medicare

            Advantage plans returns on Sunday

            By TOM MURPHY                The non-profit KFF analyzed  Medicare.
            AP Health Writer             a national survey of people  A small portion of the plans
            Open enrollment for Medi-    with  Medicare  and  found  provide rebates for the pre-
            care  opens  Sunday,  and  that  only  about  a  third  mium  paid  for  Medicare's
            seniors  could  have  dozens  compared  their  coverage  "Part  B"  outpatient  cover-
            of options.                  options during a recent en-  age, said Tricia Neuman, a
            During  the  enrollment  pe-  rollment period.            Medicare  expert  with  KFF,
            riod,  which  ends  Dec.  7,  Medicare is the federal cov-  which  studies  health  care
            people  will  have  the  op-  erage  program  for  those  issues.
            portunity  to  choose  be-   age 65 and over and some  The  Centers  for  Medicare
            tween traditional Medicare  people with disabilities who  and Medicaid Services said
            and privately run Medicare  are younger. Medicare Ad-     Thursday  the  monthly  pre-  A page from the 2019 U.S. Medicare Handbook is displayed on
                                                                                                   Nov. 8, 2018, in Washington.
            Advantage  plans  in  their  vantage plans provided by  mium  for  that  coverage                                               Associated Press
            area, as well as prescription  insurers frequently offer pre-  will  climb  6%  for  next  year
            drug plans.                  scription  drug  coverage  ,  to  $174.70.  That's  up  from  lions  of  Social  Security  re-  justment  means  the  aver-
            But  research  shows  that  as well as extra benefits like  $164.90 in 2023.           cipients  will  get  a  3.2%  in-  age  Social  Security  recipi-
            most  people  don't  bother  dental  or  vision  coverage  The  federal  government  crease in their benefits next  ent will receive at least $50
            shopping.                    not provided by traditional  also said Thursday that mil-  year.  The  cost-of-living  ad-  more every month. q
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