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                                                                                                           local Friday 12 July 2024
            Coleccion Aruba gains international attention

            Recently,   Aruba's   plat-  of documents, photos, vid-
            form  Coleccion  Aruba  has  eos,  and  recordings  from
            been  featured  in  interna-  Aruba.
            tional news. The authorities
            have  informed  that  Ms.  Ali  Effects of Climate Change
            Rogin,  a  reporter  and  cor-  For  the  Tuvalu  segment,
            respondent  for  PBS  News,  the  reporter  interviewed
            produced a news segment  a  Minister  of  Foreign  Af-
            about how climate change  fairs,  Mr.  Simon  Kofe,  and
            is  affecting  small,  vulner-  a  United  Nations  repre-
            able nations.                sentative  from  Tuvalu,  Mr.
                                         Tapugao  Falefou,  who  ex-
            For  this  occasion,  she  fo-  plained the challenges this
            cused on Tuvalu, an island  small country faces due to
            nation  consisting  of  seven  climate  change.  Ms.  Ro-
            islands in the Pacific that is  gin explained that climate
            slowly disappearing. At the  change not only damages
            same time, Ms. Rogin high-   infrastructure  but  also  pos-
            lighted  the  digital  portal  es  a  danger  to  archives,
            Coleccion  Aruba,  empha-    documents, and other arti-   who wrote an article about  interviewed Mr. Peter Scho-   temperatures  due  to  cli-
            sizing  the  importance  of  facts, as these can be de-   the collaboration between  ling,  a  researcher  at  the  mate  change.  Dr.  Martis
            preserving  archives,  docu-  stroyed, leading to the loss  Coleccion Aruba and Inter-  National  Library  of  Aruba  provided  information  on
            ments, and recordings that  of  an  important  part  of  a  net Archive, the digital plat-  and  the  initiator  of  Colec-  how  useful  Coleccion  Aru-
            are  cultural  heritages  vul-  country’s general and cul-  form  that  hosts  Coleccion  cion  Aruba,  as  well  as  his-  ba is for his research, for in-
            nerable  to  the  effects  of  tural history.             Aruba.  Ms.  Knibbs  elabo-  torian  and  author  Dr.  Adi  stance, when he was inves-
            climate change.                                           rated on the importance of  Martis.                       tigating slavery in Aruba.q
                                         Importance  of  Document  digitizing documents.
    is  the  larg-  Digitization                                             Mr. Scholing explained why  You  can  watch  the  news
            est digital archive in Papia-  During  the  over  six-minute  Coleccion Aruba          it  is  important  to  preserve  segment   here:   https://
            mento  and  provides  free  recording,  the  reporter  in-  For  the  Coleccion  Aruba  cultural  heritage  digitally,  w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m /
            access  to  digital  archives  terviewed Ms. Kate Knibbs,  part, the PBS News reporter  especially  now  with  rising  watch?v=3cSL2xFNOLU.

            Installing new bins with double capacity around our city center

            As part of the revitalization  maintenance  and  clean-   in  Aruba.  With  the  instal-
            efforts in Oranjestad, a se-  ing  work  were  carried  out  lation of the new bins, the
            ries  of  maintenance  and  on G.F. Betico Croes Street,  goal is not only to increase
            improvement  works  are  where, among other things,  capacity  but  also  to  intro-
            being carried out in our city  long-overdue tree trimming  duce the concept of waste
            center. Now it’s time to ex-  took  place.  One  of  the  is-  separation,  offering  a  sep-
            pand  the  waste  collection  sues was that the trash bins  arate bin for plastic waste.
            capacity to help keep our  were  filling  up  quickly  and  This is an investment of over
            city  center  clean,  thereby  sometimes    overflowing,  70,000 florins by the Ministry
            improving  hygiene  and  which  is  an  unsightly  view  of  Economic  Affairs,  Com-
            aesthetics.  All  these  efforts  for all visitors and frequent-  munication,  and  Sustain-
            ultimately  aim  to  sustain  ers of the area.            able Development.
            the commercial viability of
            the area.                    The  new  trash  bins  are  'In  the  future,  there  will  be
                                         made  entirely  from  re-    more  separation  options,     Aruba to me
            It’s  important  to  note  that  cycled  plastic,  in  collabo-  but this is a good start,' ac-
            cleanliness  is  a  factor  that  ration  with  Plastic  Beach  cording  to  Minister  Geof-
            requires constant attention.  Party,  a  non-profit  organi-  frey  Wever.  'We  are  com-  ORANJESTAD — You are back or still enjoying your va-
            Recently,  in  June,  general  zation that recycles plastic  mitted  to  making  Oranjes-  cation?... we would like to portrait you! By inviting you
                                                                      tad a cleaner, more acces-     to send us your favorite vacation picture while enjoy-
                                                                      sible and vibrant place for    ing our Happy Island.
                                                                      both  residents  and  visitors.
                                                                      The  installation  of  the  new   Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to  me  is  …….  Send
                                                                      bins is part of a broader ini-  your picture with that text (including your name and
                                                                      tiative to improve the over-   where you are from) to: and
                                                                      all  experience  in  our  city.   we will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t that a spe-
                                                                      Maintaining  cleanliness  is   cial way to keep your best moments alive? Please do
                                                                      crucial for the well-being of   note: By submitting photos, text or any other materi-
                                                                      our community,' stated the     als, you give permission to The Aruba Today Newspa-
                                                                      official.                      per, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its affiliated
                                                                                                     companies  to  use  said  materials,  as  well  as  names,
                                                                      We appreciate the support      likeness, etc. for promotional purposes without com-
                                                                      and  cooperation  of  our      pensation.
                                                                      community  and  visitors  as
                                                                      we  continue  step-by-step     Last but not least: check out our website, Instagram
                                                                      with these important main-     and  Facebook  page!  Thank  you  for  supporting  our
                                                                      tenance and improvement        free newspaper, we strive to make you a happy read-
                                                                      works.q                        er every day again.q
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