Page 3 - MIN VOS 20 AUG 2015
P. 3

Diahuebs 20 Augustus 2015                                                                           Pagina 13



No one knows the contents of a MOU between          guarantee a responsible periode of functioning  and maybe more documents between the
Aruba and CITGO because according to                ...or is the government only looking at the     BAHIA PRINCIPAL company and Aruba....
Minister de Meza alias....THE MESS this             availability of the Venezuela heavy sour crude  1. How many locals will be envolved during
has NOT being negotiated yet. CITGO.....:           ??? Once more base on what -                    construction ?? They mention that 1000
The minister believes that CITGO = willing                                                          workers are needed during construction....well
& able...??? I wonder based on what his              THE MESS saying that CITGO is ‘fit and         clarify for Aruban society how many of them
conclusion is.... did they do an financial          able’ ?? That they are a well know company      will be locals. 2. How will the work structure
credibility investigation.... or is it because of   is a fact but so was Coastal, so was El Paso    of this hotel be filled in ?? Arubans will be
the name & links..... because f.i. PDVSA has        & so was this really enough or do  given the right to occupy positions in the
over 50 billion dollars in debt & the Venezuela     we want to base our decision on more ??         STAFF (?) how many (?) 3 How many arubans
government is bankrupt!! CITGO not long ago         BAHIA PRINCIPE:                                 will be employed & by the way HOW MANY
had to lend 5 billion(in bonds) to be repaid        No one knows the real content of the MOU        SAN NICOLAS ARUBANS will be employed
in 5 years for PDVSA & or the Venezuelan                                                            ........before permissions are give to permit
government !!! CITGO was not sold because                                                           workers to come from abroad ?? Will this
the Venezuelans wanted 10 billion dollars for                                                       company buy it’s necessities no the LOCAL
it...they only got offers to around 6/6 billion...                                                  MARKET ....or has BAHIA PRINCIPE being
that’s why they decided NOT to sell... Not to                                                       given to bring & bring & bring their necessities
forget ...when mr Nelson English made his                                                           from abroad.....?? NO ONE KNOWS...BUT
presentation We remember him explaining                                                             EVERYONE = PARTICIPATING IN THIS
that to reopen with investment to guarantee                                                         HEATED DISCUSSION !! KEEP GOING
functioning of the refinery for a responsible                                                       MY FRIENDS IT’S OUR ISLAND...WE
periode the investment would have to be                                                             HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW MORE ....
between 2.5 billion & 4 billion dollars......                                                       KEEP ON TALKING ...BUT DEMAND MORE
CITGO debt on the market should be in any                                                           INFORMATION FROM THE GOVERNMENT
case 5 billion and more......can they bring up                                                      AND PARLIAMENT !!
an investment of 2.5 to 4 billion dollars to
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