Page 32 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 32
CONDOLENCIADiamars 2 Februari 2016
“Laga tur locual ta sperami ta bunita. Gradicimento May the road rise to meet you,
Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta bunita. Pa medio di esaki nos como May the wind be always at your back,
Laga tur locual cu ta rondonami ta bunita. famia kier a gradisi tur hen- The sun shine warm upon your face,
Laga tur locual mi ta laga ‘tras, keda bunita y laga esakinan de cu a convivi hunto cu The rains fall soft upon your fields
termina den tur buniteza”. nos e momentonan difi- And until we meet again
Cado Wever cil di fayecemento y des- May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Cu profundo tristeza, pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios pedida di nos estimado With deep sympathy we announce the passing of my be-
nos ta anuncia fayecimento di: casa,tata,welo,bisawelo, ru- loved husband, our father, grandfather, brother, uncle and
man, omo, amigonan. friend
Jacintho Perez John Raphael Hart Robert Lee Carotenuto
Better known as Bobby
Cariñosamente yama: “Chin” of “Chinto” Danki pa tur e flor, carta, Sunrise : 09 December 1940
*8 juni 1958 yamada, mensahe, palabran- Sunset: 30 January 2016
an, di consuelo y bunita can-
†28 januari 2016 ticanan den misa. Left to mourn are;
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues. Un danki special ta bai na His wife: Myrna Carotenuto - Hernandez
e famia cu a bin for di Cor- Daughters: Paola & Matthew Cape - Carotenuto
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada sow, Houston, Hulanda, Carina Carotenuto
Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. Sint Maarten, Puerto Rico, Oriana & Audy Bronstein - Carotenuto
E ta hibami na awa trankil, tambe na pastor Gilbert , Grandchildren: Madalyn & Jolyon Cape
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. ancianconan y tur ruman di Sister: RoseMarie Slusser - Carotenuto
Salmo: 23 Iglesia Emannuel. Nephew & Niece:
Cu honda pena nos ta anuncia fayecimento di: Frans-Jozef van Dijk & family
Celebracion Rosanna van Dijk & family
Sra. Agrepina Felicia di fiesta di la Like children: Leon & Birgit Zelen-Kreykenbohm
Lindeborg-Lacle Virgen de Los Marlene Harms
Mihor conoci como “Pina” Remedios Staff and personnel at The Nautilus Shipping & Trading
*21-02-1935 Co. N.V./ Nautilus Travel
†01-02-2016 Despues di un Tridium cu
hopi debocion na honor di Families; Hernandez, Beaujon, Sankatsing, Vervest, Pe-
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues. La Virgen de los Remedios, terson, Nava, Sewberathmisser, Fleming.
miho conoci aki na Aruba Opportunity for condolences to be held on Thursday eve-
como “Virgen di Candelaria” ning February 4th 2016 from 7 to 9 pm at Aurora Funeral
nos ta celebra su fiesta dia- Home.
mars 2 di februari na Kapel di Funeral services to take place on Friday morning Febru-
ary 5th 2016 at Aurora Funeral Home from 9 to 11 am
Madiki 6’or di atadri followed by a private cremation ceremony for the family.
Laga nos asisti pa nos gradici Our heartfelt thanks goes out to Dr.Samuels, Dr.Moreta,
Andre Kolman and the oncology Department at the Hora-
nos Mama Maria y su yiu cio Oduber Hospital for their unwavering support.
Dibino Hesus pa tur fabor- Special thanks to the Sankatsing family.
nan ricdibi y sigiu pidi su In lieu of flowers a donation box for Wilhelmina Kanker-
yudansa pa nos mes y pa nos fonds will be placed at the Funeral Home.
Please no condolence visits at home.
pais Aruba.
Cu Paz, Amor y tranquilidad
por reina na nos dushi isla