Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
LOCAL Friday 10 February 2023
Quality Care Institute is now a reality
ORANJESTAD – On Tues- Zorg known as F3. Since coordination, communica-
day, February 7, 2023, the May 2020, the Government tion, and agreements for
inauguration of the Quality of Aruba made various healthcare. It is essential
Care Institute took place. agreements with the Gov- to emphasize that this is in
For this occasion, the Prime ernment of the Netherlands cooperation with all the
Minister, Mrs. Evelyn Wever- concerning healthcare in Kingdom partners to have will guide these decisions and cooperate with Aruba
Croes, and the Minister of Aruba. It is part of the con- equality and quality health- based on different experts to achieve protocols and
Tourism and Public Health, ditions set for the loans pro- care on the same level as with relevant experience. beneficial quality care for
Mr. Dangui Oduber, ad- vided by the Netherlands to all the other partners in the One of the most significant the community. Aruba is
dressed the guests and overcome the pandemic. Dutch Kingdom. achievements is the reg- reaching its goal of having
healthcare stakeholders in The institute’s objective is to The institute has different istration of our natives as more efficient, effective,
a brief speech. improve healthcare qual- objectives, namely the medical doctors in Aruba and sustainable health-
ity in Aruba and offer more healthcare market super- through the AruBIG, which care. The Government is
This institute is essential for efficiency and results for vision and new develop- also resorts under this insti- grateful to all stakeholders
the efficiency and effec- the community of Aruba. ments. They will also focus tute. who made this accomplish-
tiveness of healthcare in Quality control is the first on regulating various tar- Minister Oduber stated that ment a reality in Aruba and
Aruba. It is part of the tra- objective of this institute. iffs and on the results of all the partners in the King- the partners in the Dutch
jectory of the Landspakket Other goals are to improve this regulation. The institute dom are excited to work Kingdom.q
The DVG is ready to enforce the National
Ordinance Restriction Tobacco Products law
ORANJESTAD - Since the they will disclose this to the where they sell tobacco
unanimous approval by the commercial sector. products. In a market, the
Parliament in 2021 of the In the upcoming days, they minor may not work in the
National Ordinance Re- will be informing the com- area designated for tobac-
striction Tobacco Products, munity and commerce co/cigarette sales.
work has started to be able about some aspects of the It is prohibited to give away
to enforce this accordingly. law: free tobacco products.
It is not allowed to sell Cig- Smoking in private vehicles
A total of 8 public employ- arettes and/or tobacco- is not permitted when mi-
ees of the Department of containing products to nors are present.
Goods Inspection and Hy- anyone under the age of Smoking on public trans-
giene of the Department 21. portation is prohibited
of Public Health (DVG), Individual cigarette sale is
completed the course not permitted. Merchants The sale or gift of cigarettes
and were sworn in as Spe- can only sell complete, is not permitted in:
cial Investigation Officers wrapped, and sealed cig- Government entities;
(BOA). It gives these public arette packets. Medical facilities;
employees the authority to Smoking in public places Cultural and art facilities;
supervise and enforce the is not permitted unless the Sports facilities;
law and regulations of the establishment has a permit Education institutions.
National Ordinance Re- for a designated smoking
striction Tobacco Products. area. For more information, like
These officers can inves- Employer is responsible for the Directie Volksgezond-
tigate for infractions and protecting their employees heid DVG Aruba on Face-
eventually write reports or safe from cigarette/tobac- book, follow DVG on Ins-
fines. co smoke during working tagram directie_volksge-
The DVG is currently work- hours and on the employ- zondheid_aruba, or visit the
ing on a process necessary er's premises. website , call
for businesses to request an Minors are not allowed to 5224200 or send an email
exemption. Once in place, work in an establishment to