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Saturday 1 June 2024
The Lionfish
And its threat to our marine wild life
(Oranjestad)—Despite its recognize the lionfish as part population in the area. How-
colorful and striking ap- of their diet. In other words, ever, as the lionfish feeds off
pearance, the lionfish has the lionfish has no predators of these tiny fish, it becomes
become a Caribbean-wide in the Caribbean Sea. And harder for the coral reef to
problem for Atlantic sea life. this becomes a major prob- maintain its health.
The Aruban marine wild life is lem for our local marine life;
also affected by this beautiful if there are no predators to Patrick also shares the origins
dilemma, as it is foreign to stimulate population con- of lionfish in the Caribbean
our waters and has become trol of lionfish, these fish can Sea. It is theorized that the in-
a danger to our local fish and continue to reproduce and troduction of these fish in the
reefs. expand to other parts of the Atlantic happened in Florida,
Atlantic, become more inva- where people would buy li-
Originating from the Indo- sive and dangerous for other onfish from across the world
Pacific Ocean, the lionfish is types of fish. to keep in their aquariums. Controlling the lionfish popu- with 4 sharp prongs. These
a relatively small fish. It has However, lionfish grow, and lation is challenge, as each spears are used like a sling
no teeth, but it does protect For Aruba, the lionfish is a as these buyers realized that female fish can lay up to shot to catch lionfish from a
itself against predators using problem especially for our the fish were too much up- 40,000 eggs a day. Luckily, distance. These fish are then
its sharp, colorful spikes. It is local coral reefs. Accord- keep, they were let out into we have people like van put into a collecting tube
said that the sting of a lion- ing to Patrick van Brakel, li- the ocean to roam free. From Brakel who dedicate their and taken out of the water.
fish can be up to 100 times onfish expert and hunter from continental USA, the lionfish lives hunting and capturing Van Brakel not only catches
more painful than that of a the Hunting Lionfish Aruba travelled to and invaded the these invasive species, using them himself, but also cooks
bee’s sting. foundation, every reef has entire Caribbean area, from them for consumption and them for locals and tourists at
a “cleaning station”—tiny Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao jewelry making. The LionFish Snack Aruba in
Its natural predators in the fish that eat algae and other up to New York. In Aruba, Paradera. This way, he does
Indo-Pacific are sharks and types of waste on a reef, thus lionfish were discovered in They are caught with a his part in protecting the lo-
barracudas, but in the Carib- maintaining the reef’s health 2009. hand spear, an object re- cal wild life.q
bean Sea, local fish do not and providing food to the fish sembling a garbage picker
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Aruba Marriott
Resort & Stellaris Casino!
The Aruba Tourism Authority recently secutively visiting Aruba) for choosing Aruba as their favorite
had the great pleasure of recogniz- Goodwill Ambassador (20>years vacation destination, as their home
ing Distinguished Visitors of Aruba. consecutively visiting Aruba) away from home.
The honorees were respectively Emerald Ambassador (35>years
honored with a certificate for their consecutively visiting Aruba) The top reasons for returning to Aru-
years of visits, loyalty, and love for ba provided by the honorees were:
the island of Aruba. The honorees were: • Aruba’s people.
Distinguished Visitors • Aruba’s beach.
The honorary certification is pre- Mr. Richard & Mrs. Kathy Righi from • Aruba’s weather.
sented on behalf of the Minister of Port Jefferson New York, United • Aruba’s restaurants.
Tourism as a token of appreciation States. • “The welcome you get when we
and to say “Masha Danki” to guests reach Marriott Stellaris”
who have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35 Mr. Jorgino Willems representing the
years or more consecutively. Aruba Tourism Authority, and staff On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-
members of Aruba Marriott Resort & thority, we would like to express our
The three levels of honor are as fol- Stellaris Casino bestowed the certifi- sincere gratitude and appreciation
lows: cate upon the honorees, presented to the honorees for their continued
Distinguished Visitor (10>years con- them with gifts, and thanked them visits to the “One Happy Island”.q