Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
Sunset Grille
December 23, 2019
T: 582-7800
Page 13
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Most U.S. workers
still pay price of no
paid parental leave
By Alexandra Olson surgery just two days after
AP Business Writer the baby died.
NEW YORK (AP) — Nancy Sawyer was cremated, his
Glynn could not afford a remains put into an urn the
funeral for her newborn son funeral home provided for
who died after a prema- free. The couple, who also
ture birth. had a 3-year-old son, strug-
She was already taking gled to pay the bills and
time off from her job as a their gas was cut off.
waitress in Manchester, A cousin set up a Go Fund
New Hampshire, to recover Me campaign to help
from a C-section. Adding them pay the rent.
to her difficulties, her hus- This undated self-made photo provided by Nancy Glynn shows Glynn, of Manchester, N.H., with
her son Hunter.
band had an unplanned Continued on Page 3 Associated Press