Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13
local Tuesday 22 OcTOber 2024
Meet our Aruban trailblazers:
Padu Lampe
(Oranjestad)—This week we re- known pianist and musician. In the art world, Padu was also a
member one of our most beloved In a publication of the informative known painter. During his youth,
Aruban giant, Juan Chabaya seminar, “Observer”, from august he made several painting using
Lampe—better known as Padu 1st, 1962, Padu’s many merits and his unique style. In 1939, he partici-
Lampe or Padu del Caribe. As friendly personality stood out. It pated in an art exhibit in New York,
one of the most important and re- was said that he was an excellent where he won a bronze medal for
nowned artists in the Aruban cul- pianist with a personal style and his painting “Typical View of Aru-
tural sphere, Padu’s long career full of surprises. Secondly, though ba.”
led him to be honored today as the composer was not too familiar Padu remained a popular artist
“the father of culture.” with music theory, he showed inno- within the Dutch Antilles and the
vations in his compositions. Lastly, Caribbean as a pianist, singer,
On April 26th, 1920, Juan Chabaya Padu was a promoter of Creole author and painter. Padu Lampe
Lampe “Padu Lampe/Padu del music around the world. was a local artist who became re-
Caribe” was born in Nassaustraat, One of the most important mo- nowned in Venezuela, Colombia,
Oranjestad. He grew up in a happy ments in Aruban history, in which The U.S. and The Netherlands too.
musical environment, and it is be- he was able to witness first-hand, In the 1950s, he sold no less than 50 of 99 years old. Padu brought the
cause of this that he developed was the first radio broadcast on thousand copies of his long-play- Aruban culture around the world.
a love for music. Starting from the the island on March 20th, 1954. ing albums (LPs). His legacy will remain ingrained in
age of 12, he was agile in the clari- Here, he was accompanied by Padu Lampe was a multifacet- the Aruban cultural history, and he
net, mandolin and cuatro. Henry Antillean guitarist Julian Coco and ed artist, inspired by his interest in will be known forever as one of the
Lampe, his father, was also a well- Hubert “Loi” Booi. parapsychology and supernatu- most influential trailblazers of our
ral phenomenon. He wrote three community.
books in Papiamento on the sub- Padu will always be in Aruba’s
ject in 1986, which was published heart, because he had composed
by the Aruban National Printing various special songs dedicated to
Press with sponsorship provided by the mothers of the island; his song
the Prince Bernhard Funds Nether- “Sonrisa di un baby” (“A baby’s
lands Antilles. Smile”) has been written in three
Besides that, Padu passed his exam different languages. Padu also
on “Society to Advanced Ethical wrote our national anthem “Aruba
Hypnosis” in 1964 in New Jersey. Dushi Tera”, along with Mr. Rufo
He received a certificate as a hyp- Wever. This song was approved by
notechnician, which gave him the the government of Aruba and was
authority to practice hypnosis in named the official anthem of the
some states. island in 1976.
Over the course of his career, he Other songs that have been con-
received many accolades and sidered as being almost a second
awards in Aruba, Curacao, Ven- anthem for Arubans is the special
ezuela and the Netherlands. composition he wrote for his wife
Padu del Caribe passed away on Daisy Croes called “Abo so”. Daisy
November 29th, 2019, at the age later passed away in 1994. q
Dining in? Try making a local favorite
How to make “funchi hasa”
dish for local dishes, like soups, harden pretty fast, so be careful those babies up! After frying, you
stews and fried fish. Made from a not to add too much. At this phase can top it with some cheese or
corn flour, water and butter mix- of cooking, you want a goopy enjoy it with your favorite dipping
ture, this appetizer is traditionally thick mixture, but thin enough so sauce.
eaten alongside a warm meal. you can continue to stir to get all
However, locals also like to fry the lumps out. Note: We recommend the FUNCHI
sticks of funchi for a quick and fill- FRESKU polenta flour brand that is
ing snack. After reaching a semi-firm, yet flex- sold in all supermarkets on the is-
ible texture, grab a baking pan or land. You can also use yellow corn
(Oranjestad)—A night in can be Ingredients (measured by heart) any large, deep plate, and pour flour from the brand PAN.
just as fun as a night out on the 1. Polenta flour* the mixture in. Be sure that this
town, especially if you got the right 2. Water plate is wet or greased so that the Photo credit of fried funchi sticks: Jac-
queline Felida on Pinterest.
snacks to munch on. One of the 3. Butter mixture does not stick to the bot-
most famous Aruban snacks or ap- 4. Salt to taste tom. Let this cool completely while
petizers is “funchi hasa” (fried po- it firms up for the last time. Once
lenta sticks). A super easy meal Directions it’s cooled you can enjoy it as is,
that adults and children will both Bring water to a boil in a medium- topped with some butter or shred-
enjoy. Here’s how to make it! sized sauce pan. Add in some salt ded cheese. Or, you can take it to
and butter to taste in the boiling another level of deliciousness.
Before we start, get to know the water and let this dissolve and
basics melt. Then, gradually add the flour When your funchi is firm enough,
So what is funchi hasa? Funchi, or while stirring with a wooden spoon. cut it into strips (size is up to you).
Aruban polenta, is a popular side The mixture will start to begin to Heat up some oil in a pan and fry