Page 19 - HOH
P. 19

Monday 11 april 2022 locAl

            138 new Covid cases registered in the recent week

            According  to  the  weekly  141 people recovered from                                                               In Aruba, there are 2 peo-
            update  published  by  the  the virus.                                                                              ple hospitalized, either with
            Public  Health  Department,                                                                                         or because of Covid. Of the
            also known as DVG, about  The amount of active cases                                                                people  hospitalized,  none
            the  development  of  the  of Covid-19 as of Friday was                                                             are  in  the  Intensive  Care
            Covid  pandemic  here  on  84.  The  amount  of  deaths                                                             Unit  (ICU)  meaning  that
            Aruba,  in  the  recent  week  related  to  or  because  of                                                         both  are  in  general  floor.
            up  until  Friday  about  138  Covid-19 is currently at 212.                                                        However in Colombia there
            new  cases  of  Covid  were                                                                                         are  2  patients  from  Aruba
            registered.                  Data  from  DVG  illustrates                                                           hospitalized  in  ICU,  and
                                         that new Covid cases have                                                              one more patient in gener-
            DVG informed as well that  a  weekly  average  of  20                                                               al floor together making a
                                                                                                                                total of 3 patients hospital-
                                                                                                                                ized  in  Colombia  because
                                                                      new cases per day, along  age of 33% per day.             of or with Covid.q
                                                                      with  a  positivity  rate  aver-

                                                                        Presentation Safe House

                                                                        ORANJESTAD  -  The  Minis-
                                                                        ter  of  Justice  and  Social
                                                                        Affairs, Mr. Rocco Tjon, re-
                                                                        cently met with the board
                                                                        of  the  Safe  House  Aruba,
                                                                        in  which  the  board  gave
                                                                        a  presentation  about  the
                                                                        progress  and  goals  for

                                                                        The safety house is, among
                                                                        other  things,  responsible  double  diagnostic  cases.  Prosecutors  Office,  Sticht-
                                                                        for  processing  the  policy  It  also  works  with  aggres-  ing Reclassering en Jeug-
                                                                        regarding  complex  mat-   sors  and  victims  of  rela-  dbescherming Aruba, So-
                                                                        ters and persons with mul-  tional  violence,  undocu-  ciaal Psychiatrische Dienst
                                                                        tiple  social  problems.  It  mented  individuals,  and  and the FCCA.
                                                                        provides treatment for ag-  seniors.
                                                                        gressors and victims of re-                            Subjects  discussed  dur-
                                                                        lational violence, undocu-  The Safe House works with  ing the meeting were the
                                                                        mented  individuals,  and  key partners in the judicial  increasing  use  of  drugs
                                                                        seniors.  It  also  facilitates  chain and social care like;  among the youth and the
                                                                        and  develops  the  col-   Bureau Leerplicht, Bureau  long  waiting  list  for  men-
                                                                        laboration  between  the  Sostenemi,  KIA,  Depart-    tal  healthcare.  The  Safe
                                                                        chains of social care and  ment  for  Social  Affairs,  House’s  goals  for  2022
                                                                        judicial  chain.  The  Safe  Guardianship    Council  include  personnel  self-
                                                                        House focuses on specific  Department,  Fundacion  care,  professional  devel-
                                                                        groups,  including  risk  ju-  Guia  Mi,  Wit  Gele  Kruis,  opment,  early  detection,
                                                                        veniles,  repeat  offenders,  Fundacion  pa  Maneho  and  case  studies  within
                                                                        confused  individuals,  in-  di  Adiccion,  Respaldo,  the chain.
                                                                        dividuals  with  addictions,  Bureau   Slachtofferhulp,
                                                                        psychiatric  patients,  and  Aruba Police Department,  The Ministry of Justice and
                                                                                                                               Social  Affairs  encourages
                                                                                                                               structural   participation
                                                                                                                               in  these  meetings,  con-
                                                                                                                               sidering  its  added  value
                                                                                                                               throughout    the   chain,
                                                                                                                               to  better  coordinate  the
                                                                                                                               cases  and  take  the  nec-
                                                                                                                               essary  steps  to  offer  help
                                                                                                                               on time.
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