Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8

                                                                                                           local Friday 8 November 2024
            How Aruban beaches came to be!

            (Oranjestad)—We’ve talked  of Aruban beaches.             coral reefs) have started to
            about the best beaches to                                 wear and tear the reefs over
            visit on the island before, but  How did Aruba get its white,   time, resulting in its gradual
            have  you  ever  wondered  sandy beaches?                 breakdown. Fish that feed off
            how Aruba got its white, san-  Aruba’s beaches have de-   corals also contribute to this,
            dy beaches, and why there’s  veloped  over  the  span  of   one small bite at a time. Over
            a clear difference between  thousands of years. Waves     the course of thousands of
            the  northern  and  southern  crashing  on  the  rocky  for-  years, as waves continue to
            shores? Here are some fun  mations  along  our  coast     crash  and  fish  continue  to
            facts about the development  line (which consists mainly of   eat off the corals, sand starts
                                                                      to accumulate around the
             The Lionfish                                             area.  However, whether the                               continent is simply referred
                                                                      sand stays there is another
             And its threat to our marine wild life                   question  to  be  answered,   Why north deep, but south  to  as  land  that  runs  under
                                                                      and  this  is  where we  high-  shallow?                  the ocean. This is why it gets
             (Oranjestad)—Despite  its  However,  as  the  lionfish   light the biggest difference   Ah!  Good  question…and  gradually  deeper  in  the
             colorful  and  striking  ap-  feeds off of these tiny fish,   between the northern and   interesting phrasing.     south,  whereas  the  ocean
             pearance, the lionfish has  it becomes harder for the    southern coast of the island.                             floor in the north runs steeply
             become  a  Caribbean-       coral  reef  to  maintain  its                            Aruba is a continental island.  to the bottom. q
             wide problem for Atlantic  health.                       The sand that accumulates    The  island  actually  forms
             sea life. The Aruban marine  Patrick  also  shares  the   around a torn coral reef is   part of South America, and   Source: archival document
                                                                      swept away along with the
             wild life is also affected by  origins  of  lionfish  in  the                         the space between Aruba      provided by the National Ar-
                                                                                                                                   chive of Aruba (ANA).
             this beautiful dilemma, as it  Caribbean Sea. It is theo-  debris by the ocean stream.   and  the  South  American
                                                                      However, in areas where it’s
             is foreign to our waters and  rized that the introduction
             has become a danger to  of  these  fish  in  the  Atlan-  shallow  and  the  stream  is
                                                                      weaker, the sand tends to
             our local fish and reefs.   tic  happened  in  Florida,
                                         where    people    would     sick  to  the  bottom  faster.
             Originating from the Indo-  buy  lionfish  from  across   This  is  why  the  beaches  in
             Pacific Ocean, the lionfish  the world to keep in their   the  south—the  areas  with
                                                                      weaker stream and shallow-
             is  a  relatively  small  fish.  It  aquariums.  However,  li-
             has  no  teeth,  but  it  does  onfish grow, and as these   er  ocean  floors—has  sand
                                                                      that  stretches  for  miles.  In
             protect itself against pred-  buyers realized that the fish
             ators using its sharp, color-  were  too  much  upkeep,   contrast, the northern area,
                                                                      where  the  stream  is  much
             ful spikes. It is said that the  they were let out into the
             sting of a lionfish can be up  ocean to roam free. From   stronger and the ocean floor
                                                                      is much deeper, there is no
             to 100 times more painful  continental USA, the lion-
             than that of a bee’s sting.   fish travelled to and invad-  sand  present—they  were
                                                                      swept away with the current!
                                         ed  the  entire  Caribbean
             Its natural predators in the  area, from Aruba, Bonaire
             Indo-Pacific are sharks and  and  Curacao  up  to  New
             barracudas, but in the Ca-  York. In Aruba, lionfish were
             ribbean Sea, local fish do  discovered in 2009.
             not  recognize  the  lionfish
             as part of their diet. In other  Controlling  the  lionfish
             words,  the  lionfish  has  no  population is challenge, as
             predators in the Caribbean  each female fish can lay
             Sea.  And this becomes a  up to 40,000 eggs a day.
             major problem for our lo-   Luckily,  we  have  people
             cal marine life; if there are  like van Brakel who dedi-
             no  predators  to  stimulate  cate their lives hunting and
             population control of lion-  capturing  these  invasive
             fish, these fish can continue  species,  using  them  for
             to reproduce and expand  consumption  and  jewelry
             to other parts of the Atlan-  making.
             tic, become more invasive
             and  dangerous  for  other  They  are  caught  with  a
             types of fish.              hand spear, an object re-
                                         sembling a garbage picker
             For Aruba, the lionfish is a  with 4 sharp prongs. These
             problem especially for our  spears are used like a sling
             local coral reefs. Accord-  shot to catch lionfish from
             ing  to  Patrick  van  Brakel,  a distance. These fish are
             lionfish expert and hunter  then put into a collecting
             from  the  Hunting  Lionfish  tube and taken out of the
             Aruba  foundation,  every  water. Van Brakel not only
             reef  has  a  “cleaning  sta-  catches them himself, but
             tion”—tiny  fish  that  eat  also cooks them for locals
             algae and other types of  and tourists at The LionFish
             waste on a reef, thus main-  Snack Aruba in Paradera.
             taining  the  reef’s  health  This way, he does his part
             and providing food to the  in protecting the local wild
             fish population in the area.  life.
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