Page 28 - solo Di Pueblo
P. 28
Pagina 30 Dialuna 4 April 2016
Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada, With deep sadness and sorrow we announce the
den cunucu di yerba berde E ta pone mi sosega. E passing in the USA of:
ta hiba mi na awa trankil, pa mi bolbe haya forza.
Salmo: 23.1
Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, pero conforme cu
boluntad di Dios nos ta participa fayecimento di:
Rudolf Roland Kock Roberto Antonio Sharpe
Mihor conoci como “Ronny” of “Rudy” Former employee of LAGO Oil & Transport Co,
*26-01-1959 - †25-03-2016 Accounting Department, Aruba
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues. Former accounting employee of NBC Studios and
Paramount Pictures, USA
Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita
Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta bunita Sunrise: Aruba, July 10th 1932
Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y Sunset: New Jersey (USA), March 26th 2016
Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza.
Cado Wever Left to mourn are:
Cu honda pena pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios nos ta His wife: Mariana Sharpe-Vanterpool
anuncia fayecimento tragico di
His children: Roberto Antonio Sharpe
Andrew Furgill Steven Gina Louisa Sharpe
Wernet Michael Orlando Sharpe
Juan Carlos Sharpe
*08-03-1994 - †30-03-2016
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues. His surviving brothers and sisters:
Ramon and Lucy Sharpe-Bardouille (Aruba), Louisa
(Elvira) and Juan De Palm-Sharpe (Aruba), Hugo Sharpe
and Jacky (Venezuela), Julieta Moons-Sharpe (Aruba),
Roy and Jose Sharpe-Swart (Netherlands), Denise
(Dotty) Sharpe (Netherlands), Rita De Caluwe-Sharpe
In-laws, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, great nieces
and nephews, cousins, godchildren, families in USA,
Dominican Republic, Japan, Netherlands, Venezuela and
The funeral service will take place on Friday April 8th,
2016 in Englewood, New Jersey (USA).
May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.
Tip line 5926895
solo di pueblo @