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                                                                                                                      Monday 21 March 2016

AP Exclusive: Drug
lord gains weight,
reads books in prison 

BY MARK STEVENSON                 a spate of complaints by          In this Jan. 8, 2016, file photo, Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by army
E. EDUARDO CASTILLO               Guzman’s lawyers and rel-        soldiers to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City.
Associated Press                  atives who said his health
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Drug           was suffering in prison and                                                                                                                           Associated Press
lord Joaquin “El Chapo”           that he couldn’t sleep.
Guzman is getting some            Before he escaped, Guz-          that Guzman may have
self-help advice and gain-        man was allowed a four-          just been infatuated with
ing a bit of weight in prison     hour conjugal visit every        her, or the drug-trafficking
under his new, tighter-se-        nine days. In addition, the      character she played in a
curity regime, but Mexico’s       officials said, he was sup-      TV series, Teresa Mendoza.
formerly most wanted man          plied with Viagra.               “He probably had a crush
is apparently not doing           But Guzman hasn’t been           on Teresa Mendoza,” Del
so well in the love depart-       given Viagra since he was        Castillo told Diane Sawyer.
ment.                             recaptured and returned          “I think he was never inter-
Guzman, who tunneled out          to the prison on Jan. 8. Nor     ested in the movie.”
of the same prison last July,     has he received any con-         Prosecutors later said her
now has two guards stand-         jugal visits. He only applied    contacts with Guzman,
ing outside his cell watch-       for permission to renew          and the October 2015
ing him every minute of the       them this week.                  meeting with Guzman and
day. There is a dog whose         The officials said Guzman        American actor Sean Penn
only job is to test his food      has gained a small amount        in a remote area of north-
before he eats it to make         of weight and lowered his        eastern Mexico, helped
sure it’s not poisoned. He        blood pressure since he          lead them to eventually
no longer has a television,       was taken back to the Al-        recapturing the drug lord.
but gets free reading ma-         tiplano prison west of Mex-      A chain of leaked emails
terial.                           ico City.                        between Guzman and Del
Since he was recaptured in        He is under constant ob-         Castillo suggest authorities
January, Guzman has read          servation from a ceiling-        were monitoring their text
the classic “Don Quijote,”        mounted camera which             conversations.
and has now started a             — unlike the one in the cell     Del Castillo said she didn’t
Spanish-language transla-         from which he escaped —          know she was under sur-
tion of “The Purpose Driven       has no blind spots.              veillance.
Life: What on Earth Am I          Guzman’s associates tun-         “No, to be honest I didn’t
Here for?” by Rick Warren,        neled him out of prison          think about it,” she said.
a California-based evan-          through the thin concrete        “I thought he (Guzman)
gelical pastor. The self-help     floor of his shower stall last   knew what he was doing
book contains quotes that         July in a spot which surveil-    by texting.”q
might pertain to Guzman,          lance cameras were not
like “A pretentious, showy        designed to reach.
life is an empty life; a plain    The floors of the prison’s
and simple life is a full life.”  top-security cells have
And “We are products              since been reinforced with
of our past, but we don’t         a 16-inch (40-centimeter)
have to be prisoners of it.”      bed of concrete with a
The description of his post-      double layer of rebar.
escape prison life comes          During his most recent time
from a federal official who       on the run, Guzman met
was not authorized to be          with Mexican actress Kate
quoted by name under of-          del Castillo, purportedly to
ficial policy. The official and   discuss a project to docu-
a colleague granted the           ment his life in a movie.
exclusive interview to The        But Del Castillo said in inter-
Associated Press following        view with ABC aired Friday
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