P. 7

Diahuebs, 19 April 2018                                        AWEMainta                                                                     7

         Na maart 2018 prijs                                     & servicio di catering”  E indice  di “Berdura”  tambe  a  registra  caid-

                                                                 a registra un caida leve  a conoce e caida  di  anan. E indicenan di

       di fruta a subi cu 35%                                    di  0.04%  na Maart  mas  grandi  (-1.4%)  “Lechi, keshi y webo”
                                                                 2018,  despues  di  un  na Maart 2018.  E in- (0.9%)
                                                                 subida di 2.7% na Feb- dicenan  di  “Batata,  (0.3%) a registra subi-
                                                                 ruari  2018. E indice  yuca y batata  dushi”  da di prijs.

                                                                 di “Cuminda na cas”  (-0.9%),  “Azeta  y otro
       DEN un relato di  Maart 2018 y un par-                    (-0.1%)  a  registra  un  productonan  traha di  Den e ultimo diesdos

       prensa ricibi for di Ofi- ti  di  dje ta  e  cambio       caida,  unda shete (7)  vet” (-0.2%),  “Pan y  (12)  lunanan e indice
       cina Central di Estadis- di  prijs di  Cuminda  y         di  e diesun (11)  indi- otro  productonan  di  di  “Cuminda  & servi-

       tica  ta  duna  informa- servicio di  catering  na        cenan di e gruponan di  grano” (-0.2%) y “Res- cio di catering” a subi

       cion riba Indice di Prijs  Maart 2018.                    cuminda na cas a baha  tante productonan pa  cu 4.8%.  E indice  di
       di Consumo (CPI)  pa  E indice  di “Cuminda               na Maart 2018.                alimentacion” (-0.2%)  “Cuminda na cas” a

                                                                                                                            conoce un subida di

                                                                                                                            5.7%. E indice di “Fru-
                                                                                                                            ta” a subi cu 35.0%, e

                                                                                                                            subida di  mas  grandi

                                                                                                                            entre  e  gruponan  di
         By means of this publication Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), manager and operator of Aeropuerto Internacional
         Reina Beatrix, would like to invite all who are interested in the purchase of the following vehicle to submit a bid there for.  cuminda na cas, mien-

                                                                                                                            tras cu e indice  di

                                                                                                                            “Batata, yuca y batata
                                                                                                                            dushi” a conoce e caida

                                                                                                                            di mas grandi cu 1.5%.

                                                                                                                            E indice  di “Cuminda

                                                     Elgin Sweeper truck                                                    pafo  di  cas” no a  reg-
                                                        Model:  Crosswind                                                   istra cambio na Maart
                                                            Year 1999
                                                                                                                            2018,  despues  di  un

         Interested parties can view the vehicle on April 30, 2018, at 09:00 hrs. meeting point “Main Gate”.                subida di 0.2% na Feb-
         Inquiries can be send to until May 4, 2018.
                                                                                                                            ruari 2018 y registran-
         The following conditions apply:                                                                                    do un subida di 2.0%
         1. AS IS WHERE IS.
         2. Minimum Bid:  Afl. 5,000.00                                                                                     den e ultimo diesdos
         3. Cash upon delivery.
         4. All offers shall be final and unconditional and shall be valid for a period of two weeks after the final date to submit an offer.    (12) lunanan.
         5. AAA reserves the right to refuse the offer without any reason or take such other course of action, as AAA deems appropriate at   Na  Maart  2018,
         AAA's sole and absolute discretion.
         6. Without prejudice to article 5 the best offer will be honored.                                                  “Cuminda  na cas” y

         Interested parties can submit their bid ultimately on May 11, 2018, 15:00 hrs. local time at AAA’s offices at the   “Cuminda pafo di cas”
         Reception of the Aruba Airport Authority N.V. on the first floor of the Airport Tower Building. Offers submitted after   como grupo, tawata tin
         this date and hour will not be accepted.
                                                                                                                            un caida leve di prijs
         Interested parties should submit a proposal containing their name, copy of valid ID, email address, physical address and   di  0.04%  compara  cu
         telephone number.
                                                                                                                            Februari 2018 y hunto
         All proposals should be submitted in a closed envelope prior to the deadline indicated above at the following direction:
         Attn: Airside Operations Unit                                                                                      tawata  tin  un  influen-
         Elgin Sweeper truck                                                                                                cia di -0.01 ppt riba e
         Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
         Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix                                                                             CPI, mientras cu e res-
         Sabana Berde 75, Aruba                                                                                             tante bienes y servicio

         Aruba Airport Authority N.V.                                                                                       hunto a experencia un
         April, 2018
                                                                                                                            subida di prijs di 0.7%
                                                                                                                            y tawata tin un efecto

                                                                                                                            di 0.55 ppt riba e CPI.
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