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A2   U.S. NEWS
                 Thursday 23 January 2025
            White House sidelines 160 National Security Council staffers,

            aligning the team with Trump’s agenda

            By ZEKE MILLER and AAMER                                                                                            Trump and Waltz would like
            MADHANI                                                                                                             to  see  as  part  of  the  NSC
            Associated Press                                                                                                    once  the  review  is  com-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            pleted.
            dent  Donald  Trump’s  na-                                                                                          Officials  said  that  they
            tional  security  adviser  has                                                                                      have already begun bring-
            sidelined about 160 Nation-                                                                                         ing  detailees  from  agen-
            al Security Council staffers,                                                                                       cies with expertise that the
            telling  them  to  work  from                                                                                       new  administration  val-
            home  while  the  adminis-                                                                                          ues,  including  some  who
            tration reviews staffing and                                                                                        had served during the first
            tries to align it with Trump’s                                                                                      Trump administration.
            agenda, administration of-                                                                                          Some  directors  have  al-
            ficials  told  The  Associated                                                                                      ready  made  decisions  to
            Press on Wednesday.                                                                                                 inform  detailees  they  will
            The  career  government                                                                                             be  sent  back  to  the  fed-
            employees,  commonly  re-                                                                                           eral  agencies  they  were
            ferred to as detailees, were                                                                                        on loan from. For example,
            summoned on Wednesday                                                                                               multiple holdover detailees
            to an all-staff call in which                                                                                       assigned  to  counterterror-
            they  were  told  that  they’ll                                                                                     ism  directorate  were  told
            be  expected  to  be  avail-  Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., speaks during a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee with   on  Tuesday  that  their  as-
            able  to  the  NSC’s  senior   Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Capitol Hill, Feb. 29, 2024, in Washington.     signment  was  being  cut
            directors  but  would  not                                                                         Associated Press  short and that they will be
                                                                                                                                sent  back  to  their  home
                                                                                                   need to report to the White   agencies,  according  to
                                                                                                   House.  The  NSC,  a  White   two  people  familiar  with
                                                                                                   House  arm,  provides  na-   the  move  who  were  not
                                                                                                   tional  security  and  foreign   not  authorized  to  com-
                                                                                                   policy advice to the presi-  ment publicly.
                                                                                                   dent.                        At least some holdover de-
                                                                                                   Trump,  a  Republican,  is   tailees sent home Wednes-
                                                                                                   sidelining  these  nonpo-    day had their White House
                                                                                                   litical  subject  matter  ex-  emails turned off soon after
                                                                                                   perts on topics that range   the all-staff call ended, but
                                                                                                   from  counterterrorism  to   they  were  told  to  remain
                                                                                                   global climate policy at a   reachable on their person-
                                                                                                   time when the U.S. is grap-  al cellphones.
                                                                                                   pling  with  a  disparate  set   “National  Security  Advi-
                                                                                                   of  complicated  foreign     sor  Mike  Waltz  promised
                                                                                                   policy  matters,  including   and  authorized  a  full  re-
                                                                                                   conflicts in Ukraine and the   view  of  NSC  personnel,”
                                                                                                   Middle East. Such structur-  White  House  National  Se-
                                                                                                   ing could make new policy    curity  Council  spokesper-
                                                                                                   experts  brought  in  to  the   son  Brian  Hughes  said  in
                                                                                                   NSC less likely to speak up   a  statement.  “It  is  entirely
                                                                                                   about  policy  differences   appropriate  for  Mr.  Waltz
                                                                                                   and concerns.                to  ensure  NSC  personnel
                                                                                                   Trump’s  national  security   are  committed  to  imple-
                                                                                                   adviser,  Mike  Waltz,  had   menting  President  Trump’s
                                                                                                   signaled  before  Inaugu-    America  First  agenda  to
                                                                                                   ration  Day  that  he  would   protect  our  national  se-
                                                                                                   look to move holdover civil   curity  and  wisely  use  the
                                                                                                   servants  who  worked  in    tax  dollars  of  America’s
                                                                                                   the  NSC  during  President   working men and women.
                                                                                                   Joe  Biden’s  administration   Since 12:01 pm on Monday
                                                                                                   back to their home agen-     personnel reviews and de-
                                                                                                   cies.  That’s  meant  to  en-  cisions based on the evalu-
                                                                                                   sure  the  council  is  staffed   ations are being made.”
                                                                                                   by  those  who  support      The  dozens  of  NSC  staff
                                                                                                   Trump’s agenda.              members  affected  by  the
                                                                                                   By  the  end  of  the  review,   decision  are  largely  sub-
                                                                                                   Waltz  will  look  to  have  a   ject  matter  experts  who
                                                                                                   “more  efficient,  flatter”   had  been  loaned  to  the
                                                                                                   NSC, one official said. The   White  House  by  federal
                                                                                                   officials  declined  to  com-  agencies such as the State
                                                                                                   ment on the ultimate num-    Department,  the  FBI  and
                                                                                                   ber  of  personnel    nonpo-  the CIA for temporary duty
                                                                                                   litical  detailees  as  well  as   that  typically  lasts  one  to
                                                                                                   political  appointees    that
                                                                                                                                two years.q
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