Page 26 - AHATA NOV 16 2021
P. 26
A32 sports
Diamars 16 November 2021
Lionel Messi to play against Brazil in World Cup qualifying
Messi played only 15 minutes claimed one of the four au-
in Argentina’s 1-0 victory tomatic qualifying spots from In September, the quali-
over Uruguay on Friday. He the region. fier between the teams was
also missed two Paris Saint- suspended after seven min-
Germain matches because of Brazil has not won in Argen- utes of play because of CO-
the injury. tina since 2009. VID-19 protocols. FIFA has
not yet announced what it
“A few days ago he was physi- Scaloni’s main doubt for the will do with that match.
cally fit and at the end we de- match is in the midfield.
cided that the best would be Leonardo Paredes is recover- “I regret that match did not
for him to play for a few min- ing from an injury and could take place,” Tite said Mon-
utes so he starts getting that once again be replaced by day. “(Tuesday) is a World
good feeling,” Scaloni said. Guido Rodríguez. Cup match for us, like the
“For tomorrow (Tuesday), it Colombia match was. Every-
is confirmed that he will play. Brazil will be missing the sus- thing else will be secondary
We hope he finds himself in a pended Casemiro, who could due to the greatness of this
(AP) — Lionel Messi will ni said Monday that Messi, good place.” be replaced by Fabinho. Bra- encounter.”
play for Argentina when who has been bothered by a zil coach Tite also expects to
his team faces Brazil in knee injury, will play in San The Argentines, in second test out other players after the Tite said he would contin-
a World Cup qualifying Juan in a match that could place in the 10-team South 1-0 win over Colombia, pos- ue testing different players
match on Tuesday. earn the team a spot in next American standings behind sibly using Matheus Cunha when World Cup qualifying
year’s World Cup. Brazil, can qualify with a up front instead of Gabriel resumes next year.
Argentina coach Lionel Scalo- victory. Brazil has already Jesus.
Washington fires coach Jimmy Lake after less than 2 seasons
(AP) — When Chris Pe- sons, he’s no longer the coach on Sunday, unceremoniously become bowl eligible. The sion to fire Lake, which she
tersen suddenly decided to at Washington. cast aside amid a wave of mis- Huskies opted not to play in said was made in the past few
step away as football coach at steps and backlash in just his a bowl game last season due days.
Washington in the days after “I recognize that terminating second season on the job. to COVID-19 issues. The
the 2019 Apple Cup, athletic a coach after 13 games is un- last time Washington failed to Defensive coordinator Bob
director Jen Cohen believed usual and quite frankly it cer- Lake’s firing concluded a qualify for a bowl game was Gregory will serve as inter-
the best replacement for the tainly goes against my belief stunningly fast fall with a 2009. im coach the remaining two
Huskies was already on staff. as an administrator,” Cohen team that began the season games, including the Apple
said. “However, when I know ranked in the AP Top 25 Cohen said the school will Cup rivalry against Washing-
No search firms were need- something is not working or and stumbled through em- honor the terms of Lake’s ton State.
ed. Jimmy Lake was her cho- something just isn’t right, I barrassing losses that raised contract, which puts Wash-
sen successor for Petersen. do have an obligation to act.” discontent in the fan base. ington on the hook for The Cougars also are being
Washington is 4-6 and needs more than $9 million. Lake led by an interim coach after
And after less than two sea- Lake was fired by Washington wins in its final two games to went 7-6 in the 13 games he letting go of Nick Rolovich
coached. for failing to comply with the
state’s COVID-19 vaccine
“I evaluated the football pro- mandate. Washington State
gram like I evaluate every (5-5) is 1-2 since Rolovich
program at Washington, ho- was fired — also less than
listically,” Cohen said. “So two seasons into his tenure
you go back to the looking like Lake — and defensive
at opportunities for student coordinator Jake Dickert
athletes both on and off the took over.
field, recruiting, leadership.
It was just a combination of Washington went 3-1 during
things that I came to the con- a truncated 2020 season that
clusion that I just didn’t have was cut short after a CO-
confidence in coach Lake’s VID-19 outbreak within the
ability to continue to lead the program caused the Huskies
program moving forward.” to cancel their game against
Oregon, miss out on a spot
A coaching change for Wash- in the Pac-12 championship
ington seemed to be building game and decline a bowl in-
from the start of the season vitation.
but accelerated in the past
two weeks. Washington entered this sea-
son with high expectations
Lake was suspended with- and was ranked No. 20 in the
out pay for Saturday’s 35-30 preseason poll. But the Hus-
loss to Arizona State after a kies were beaten at home by
sideline incident the previ- FCS powerhouse Montana
ous week against Oregon, 13-7 to open the season and
when Lake swatted at and suffered a 31-10 beating at
then shoved one of his play- Michigan in Week 2.
ers. The incident only added
to the heat on Lake and the The two losses created a hole
suspension seemed a precur- that Lake could not climb out
sor to an eventual separation. of and a growing weight of
fan anger with each passing
Cohen said the suspension week, even when the Hus-
was separate from her deci- kies won.