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CLASSIFIED Thursday 5 december 2019
Report: Rikers HEALTH
guards failed to stop DOCTOR ON DUTY
inmate from self-harm Halley Time Travel TIMESHARE FOR SALE Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
marriott surf club
Marriott Surf Club 2 br Oceanside $9000 Tel. 527 4000
NEW YORK (AP) — Four cers can monitor activity Gold season Gold season Week 31 San Nicolas
Rikers Island guards were through video feeds. The 2 br Garden View $ 5 K unit #1607 IMSAN 24 Hours
suspended after they al- actions of the officers were 2 br Ocean View $ 7 K email: Tel.524 8833
legedly failed to stop an in- recorded by a separate 2 br Ocean side $ 8 K ________________________________212032 Women in Difficulties
mate from harming himself camera, the people told 2 br Ocean Front $14K PHARMACY ON DUTY
in a jail cell, according to a the Times. 3 br Ocean View $13K FOR RENT Oranjestad:
New York Times report Tues- Elias Husamudeen, the Paradise Beach Villas Dakota Tel. 588 7364
day that cited four people president of the Correction Marriott Ocean Club wk one Jan 4-11-2020 San Nicolas:
familiar with the matter. Officers' Benevolent Asso- Gold season 2 bedr suite San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
The Times, relying on the ciation, said in a statement 1 br Ocean View $ 4 K beach ocean front Women in Difficulties
four people who spoke that the officers would "be 1 br Ocean Front $ 9 K call 941 343 1088 usa OTHER
on condition of anonym- given the best legal rep- 2 br Ocean View $ 8 K _________________________________212121 Dental Clinic 587 9850
ity because they were not resentation possible to en- 2 br Ocean Front$14K Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Urgent Care 586 0448
authorized to discuss the sure their rights are fully pro- Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
matter publicly, reported tected under the law." Divi Phoenix +297 588 0539
that some of the guards The video, which was de- 2 br Penthouse wk 49 and 50 Women in Difficulties
involved watched before scribed to the Times, report- building 7 on the 7 th floor EMERGENCY
intervening as an inmate edly shows an officer going 32 weeks remain $ 24 K each Police 100
attempted to hang himself. into the jail cell where Fe- 2 br wk 50 building 6 3rd floor Oranjestad 527 3140
The people told the Times liciano was, opening the 33 weeks remain $22 K Noord 527 3200
that the guards took seven door, closing it without go- Sta. Cruz 527 2900
minutes to intervene. ing inside and then walk- Divi Village San Nicolas 584 5000
Police Tipline
Department of Correc- ing away. Feliciano was in studio wk 47 and 48 $ 5 K each Ambulancia 911
tion Commissioner Cynthia the Elmhurst Hospital Prison building a with 30 weeks Fire Dept. 115
Brann said that three of- Ward on Tuesday, accord- Paradise Beach Villas Red Cross 582 2219
ficers and a captain were ing to city jail records. 1 br WK # 47
suspended. He was on a respirator with 2sd floor garden view $ 4500 TAXI SERVICES
"The claims being made no brain activity, the Times Taxi Tas 587 5900
here are extremely trou- reported. He was arrested La Cabana beach and casino Prof. Taxi 588 0035
bling," Brann said in a state- on Nov. 19 on a parole vio- 1 br Wk # 47 $ 4.5 K Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
ment, adding that an in- lation. 4th floor Thursday check in A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
vestigation is underway. New York City lawmakers 2 br wk 48 and 49 Women in Difficulties
The inmate, identified voted in October to close e - unit ocean front ground floor TRAVEL INFO
by the Times' sources as the Rikers Island jail com- $15 K each
18-year-old Nicholas Fe- plex, which has become Aruba Airport 524 2424
liciano, was reportedly synonymous with violence Dutch Village American Airlines 582 2700
placed in a medically in- and neglect, and replace 1 br wk 46 Avianca 588 0059
duced coma at a hospital it with four smaller jails in- 12 weeks remain $5 K Jet Blue 588 2244
582 7896
Tuesday. Feliciano alleged- tended to be more mod- 2 br wk 47
ly attempted to hang him- ern and humane. 17 weeks remain contract expire Women in Difficulties
self last week in an area of Rikers Island has housed 2028 $5,5 K CRUISES
the notorious New York City jail inmates since the 1930s
lockup that was in view of and has long been known Renaissance Suites
a guard desk where offi- for brutality.q 1 br wk 48 harbor V.
5th floor $5 K
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5 th floor $ 9K carnival horizon
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Women in Difficulties
1 br wk 50
building c 3rd floor FAVI- Visually Impaired
17 weeks remain $ 6K Tel. 582 5051
Divi Links Alcoholics Anonymous
1 br wk 51 Tel. 736 2952
birdie 1 with 26 weeks remain Narcotics Anonymous
$12.5 K Tel. 583 8989
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583 5400
Divi Links
1 br WK 48 birdie 2 Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
with 30 weeks remain $ 5 K Child Abuse Prevention
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