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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 19 Mei 2021

                           Federer loses comeback match to Andujar at Geneva Open

            (AP) — Roger Federer lost                                                                                           Before  going  on  court,  Fe-
            his comeback match after                                                                                            derer was a spectator for part
            two  months  away  from                                                                                             of  the  ATP  Tour  debut  of
            tour on Tuesday, falling to                                                                                         perhaps the best prospect in
            Pablo Andujar 6-4, 4-6, 6-4                                                                                         Swiss men's tennis since his
            in the second round of the                                                                                          own rise in the 1990s.
            Geneva Open.                                                                                                        With Federer watching some
                                                                                                                                of  the  match,  18-year-old
            His first match on clay in al-                                                                                      Dominic  Stephan  Strick-
            most two years kept him on                                                                                          er  beat  former  U.S.  Open
            court for almost two hours in                                                                                       champion  Marin  Cilic  7-6
            only  his  second  tournament                                                                                       (5), 6-1 in the first round.
            since  the  2020  Australian                                                                                        Stricker,  last  year's  French
            Open.  The  past  15  months                                                                                        Open  junior  champion,  is
            have  included  two  surgeries                                                                                      ranked  419th.  Cilic,  who
            on his right knee.                                                                                                  won  his  only  Grand  Slam
                                                                                                                                singles title in 2014, is ranked
            "It (losing) never feels great,"                                                                                    46th.
            Federer said. "Looking at the
            long  road  that  I  have  been                                                                                     The  Swiss  left-hander  had
            on from the comeback, sure                                                                                          nine  aces  and  no  double-
            it's rewarding to be back on a                                                                                      faults. He broke Cilic's serve
            tennis court but you know I                                                                                         four  times  and  was  broken
            expect better from myself."                                                                                         only twice.

            In  the  decisive  set,  the  top-  not enough happening in my  before Tuesday's defeat.  facing each other on tour for  "I  was  getting  nervous,"
            seeded Federer forced a ser-  game."                                                   the first time, and the Span-  Stricker said. "It was actually
            vice  break  before  Andujar                              "Roland  Garros  is  not  the  iard said Monday he wanted  OK until 5-1, 30-love. I was
            rallied.  Federer  saved  two  "I  was  a  bit  limited  today,  I  goal," said Federer, an eight-  to  be  able  to  tell  his  grand-  happy to finish it at 6-1 and
            match  points  on  his  own  felt, on the court. It is what  time  Wimbledon  champion  children  he  had  played  the  not serve again."
            serve,  but  the  third  ended  it is. You just have to accept it  who  lost  an  epic  final  there  Swiss great.
            with a wayward forehand un-  and move on," he said.       in 2019 to Novak Djokovic.                                Stricker  has  practiced  previ-
            der pressure on the baseline.                             "The goal is the grass so I still  Andujar put his hands to his  ously with Federer. His next
                                         Next  is  the  French  Open,  have time."                 head  after  clinching  victory  opponent will be 40th-ranked
            Acknowledging  he  had  not  site of Federer's most-recent                             and  exchanged  an  almost  Marton Fucsovics, who beat
            deserved  victory  at  the  end,  match on clay — a 2019 semi-  The 39-year-old Federer and  apologetic smile with Federer  Swiss  qualifier  Henri  Laak-
            Federer  said  "there  was  just  finals loss to Rafael Nadal —  35-year-old  Andujar  were  at the net.            sonen 7-5, 7-5.

                           Saudis put World Cup every 2 years back on FIFA's agenda

            (AP) — Playing the World  previous  pandemic-delayed  about the financial backers.     be staged every two years was  tar next year.
            Cup  every  two  years  in-  season pushed back the start                              raised in March by coaching
            stead  of  four  is  back  on  to September.              The  inaugural  tournament  great Arsene Wenger, who is  Infantino  has  consistently
            soccer's agenda.                                          was  shelved  last  year  when  now  FIFA's  head  of  global  said  a  Women's  World  Cup
                                         Still,  the  proposal  is  attrac-  the  coronavirus  pandemic  development.           could  be  held  every  two
            Saudi  Arabia's  soccer  fed-  tive to FIFA whose president  forced the European Cham-                              years.  The  next  edition  in
            eration  has  formally  asked  Gianni  Infantino  has  built  a  pionship  and  Copa  America  Both  Wenger  and  Domin-  2023 will be hosted by Aus-
            FIFA to look at staging bien-  close relationship with Saudi  to be postponed to 2021.  guez used the argument that  tralia and New Zealand.
            nial World Cups for men and  Arabia  since  his  election  in                          players deserve more chances
            women, soccer's world body  2016.                         The biennial World Cup idea  to play in World Cups.       A  separate  proposal  to  Fri-
            said Tuesday.                                             was revived in 2018 by South                              day's  FIFA  meeting  from
                                         Creating  new  and  bigger  American  soccer  leader  Ale-  Lionel  Messi  and  Cristiano  Jamaica  calls  for  "a  global
            The  proposal  "requesting  a  competitions is a key theme  jandro  Dominguez,  a  FIFA  Ronaldo both aim to play in  women's  football  competi-
            feasibility study to be carried  of  Infantino's  presidency,  vice president who was then  their fifth World Cup in Qa-  tion concept to be prepared."
            out on the impact" of playing  though  the  global  players'  a close ally of Infantino.
            both tournaments every two  union  FIFPRO  warns  of
            years will be put to the FIFA  players  facing  burnout  and  Dominguez  and  the  South
            annual meeting of 211 mem-   injuries  from  bigger  work-  American soccer body CON-
            ber federations. The congress  loads.                     MEBOL  have  since  moved
            is  being  held  as  a  remote                            closer  to  officials  at  UEFA,
            meeting on Friday.           The  first  year  of  Infantino's  whose quadrennial European
                                         presidency  saw  FIFA  add  Championship  would  like-
            A biennial men's World Cup  16 more teams and 16 more  ly  be  threatened  by  playing
            was  floated  by  FIFA's  then-  games to the World Cup for  twice as many World Cups.
            president  Sepp  Blatter  more  the  2026  edition.  The  48-
            than 20 years ago.           team,  80-game  tournament  Currently,  each  World  Cup
                                         will be hosted in the United  earns  FIFA  up  to  $6  billion
            The  idea  now  returns  near  States,  Canada  and  Mexico  in  broadcasting  and  com-
            the  end  of  the  busiest  and  and  should  set  attendance  mercial deals. The Euro 2016
            most  congested  season  in  and revenue records.         tournament — which had 51
            modern soccer.                                            games compared to 64 in the
                                         FIFA was to launch a 24-team  32-team  World  Cup  format
            In Europe, the same number  Club World Cup tournament  — earned UEFA around $2.3
            of  competitions  and  games  in China this year. European  billion.
            for  club  and  national  teams  soccer  officials  at  first  op-
            were  played  despite  several  posed  the  project,  citing  In-  The idea that both the men's
            weeks being lost because the  fantino's lack of transparency  World Cup and Euros could
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