Page 6 - Mc Donalds
P. 6
LOCALMonday 25 May 2015
Meet Mrs. Badist from Holland at
Fishes & More on Wednesdays!
PALM BEACH - Mrs. Bad- & More Restaurant every great-looking lady is al-
ist can be found at Fishes Wednesday evening. This ready in her nineties, but
still very active and out-
going. Mrs. Badist loves
the shrimp croquettes at
Fishes & More and she
is in love with the grou-
per as a main course.
After dinner she orders
an espresso and gets
hugged by the staff who
truly loves her.
Fishes & More can be
found at the Arawak
Garden, where it is one
of various great restau-
rants, kiosks and a piano
bar. There is nightly live
So please come by next
Wednesday and say hel-
lo to Mrs. Badist; she’d
love to meet you!q
Marianne and Bill Dream About Sipping
Cold Amstel Brights at MooMba Beach!
PALM BEACH - Marianne
and Bill McIntyre from Pitts-
burgh, PA, are no strang-
ers to Aruba: they have
been here 16 times during
the past 9 years. They feel
at home here: one of the
things they dream about
when they are in Pittsburgh
is drinking an ice-cold Am-
stel Bright on the beach, in
particular MooMba Beach.
The couple discovered
MooMba Beach just re-
cently, by the way: a sales
staff member at the Mar-
riott Resort recommended
the beach bar as the best
location to watch the Pitts-
burgh Steelers game. Since
then MooMba Beach is at
the top of their list of favor-
ite places on Aruba.
Marianne and Bill love to
travel, but they agree that
Aruba is the best destina-
tion. We are sure they’ll be
back soon therefore. Great
to hear such good reviews!