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Wednesday 12 July 2017
UAUCU Student Research Exchange Program Receives
Copies of Third Edition
The book cover of the UAUCU publication with all 12 partici-
pants that wrote a research paper for this edition.
ORANJESTAD/UTRECHT - Re- Eric Mijts anticipate similar
cently, all participants in achievements for contribu-
the 2017 UAUCU multidisci- tors to the 2017 edition.
plinary student research ex- Aruban students that par-
change program received ticipated this year are Ro-
their copies of the third edi- dolfo Rodriguez, Rachel
tion of this successful stu- Tromp, Melany Llocclla
2017 UAUCU alumni Rodolfo Rodriguez, Rachel Tromp, Melany Llocclla de la Cruz and Larisa dent research program. de la Cruz, Larisa Leeuwe,
Leeuwe receive their copies during the book launch at the University of Aruba!
This program, which of- Tanya Kirchner and Naykla
fers students from the Uni- Yarzagaray. By now 36 stu-
versity of Aruba (UA), and dent research papers have
University College Utrecht been published by the
(UCU) the opportunity to UAUCU program, and a
conduct research in a mul- new group of participants
tidisciplinary international is already preparing for the
student team, has already 2018 edition.
proven to be a successful The full volume can be
formula: work presented found online at www.
in the 2015 and 2016 vol- ua.awunderthe page inter-
umes led to international national, or follow the link
publications, and several
program alumni received load/UAUCU-Student-Re-
thesis awards. search-Exchange-Collect-
Program coordinators ed-Papers-2017.q
Jocelyn Ballantyne and
Aspiring participants and program alumni from the UAUCU program at the 2017 book launch in