Page 27 - MIN JUS 20 FEB 2016
P. 27


WORLD NEWSSaturday 20 February 2016

China accuses US of militarizing South China Sea                                                                                                                Pakistan seeking to
                                                                                                                                                                investigate suspects

C. BODEEN                       “The above actions have more “public goods and eignty” over the islands.                                                        over attack in India 

Associated Press                escalated tensions in the services to the international China’s  action “have also

BEIJING (AP) —  China  on South  China  Sea, and community.” The deploy- threatened peace and MUNIR AHMED

Friday accused the U.S. of that’s the real militarization ment follows China’s build- stability in the region as Associated Press

militarizing the South  Chi- of the South  China  Sea,” ing of new islands by piling well as security, safety, and ISLAMABAD (AP) — Paki-

na  Sea, just days after it Hong said.                         sand atop reefs and then freedom of navigation and stani authorities have reg-

was revealed Beijing had U.S. and Taiwanese officials adding airstrips and military aviation,” Foreign Ministry istered a case against

deployed surface-to-air this week confirmed com- installations. The buildup spokesman Le Hai Binh told “unknown persons” in con-

                                                                                                                                 reporters.                     nection with last month’s

                                                                                                                                 The Philippines, which attack on an Indian air

                                                                                                                                 claims waters and features base in which seven Indian

                                                                                                                                 east of Woody island, on soldiers and all six attackers

                                                                                                                                 Friday said it was “gravely were killed, an Islamabad

                                                                                                                                 concerned” by reports of official said Friday.

                                                                                                                                 the missile deployments.       Shortly after the Jan. 2 at-

                                                                                                                                 “Such actions negate  Chi- tack, Indian investigators

                                                                                                                                 na’s  earlier commit- had claimed that phone

                                                                                                                                 ment not to militarize the intercepts suggested the

                                                                                                                                 South  China  Sea,” the De- gunmen had come from

                                                                                                                                 partment of Foreign Affairs Pakistan.

                                                                                                                                 said in a statement.           A senior official at Paki-

                                                                                                                                 Although not one of the six stan’s Foreign Ministry said

                                                                                                                                 governments with claims in that registering the case

                                                                                                                                 the South  China  Sea, the may help pave the way

                                                                                                                                 U.S. says it has a national for a resumption of talks

                                                                                                                                 interest in the region’s sta- between Pakistan and  In-

                                                                                                                                 bility and freedom of navi- dia, which were delayed

                                                                                                                                 gation and overflight in by New Delhi at the time of

                                                                                                                                 and above what are some the attack.

                                                                                                                                 of the world’s busiest sea A senior Pakistani investiga-

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei speaks during a news briefing at the Ministry of For-                                lanes.                         tor said the case against
eign Affairs in Beijing, China. China on Friday accused the U.S. of militarizing the South China Sea,                            Secretary of State John        “unknown persons” was
just days after it was revealed Beijing had deployed surface-to-air missiles on an island in the hotly                           Kerry has suggested that       registered on complaint
disputed area.                                                                                                                   the positioning of missiles    from a senior official from
                                                                                                                                 and other signs of increas-    the country’s Ministry of In-
                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Andy Wong)  ing militarization contra-     terior and that a joint inves-

missiles on an island in the mercial satellite images is seen as part of Beijing’s dicted a public assurance tigation team comprising

hotly disputed area.            showing the missiles placed efforts to claim virtually the from Chinese President Xi experts from civil and mili-

Chinese Foreign Ministry on Woody Island in the dis- entire disputed sea and its Jinping when he visited the tary spy agencies and po-

spokesman Hong Lei told puted Paracel chain.                   resources.                                                        White House last Septem- lice will quiz all those linked

reporters that patrols by China  has not denied the Vietnam, which along with ber.                                                                              to attack in  India. The of-

U.S. military aircraft and appearance of the mis- Taiwan also claims the Hong’s comments repre- ficials spoke on condition

Navy vessels, along with siles, but says it is entitled Paracels, issued a diplo- sent  China’s  attempt to of anonymity as they were

joint exercises involving re- to defend its territory and matic note to the Chinese turn that accusation back not authorized to speak to

gional partners were the points to the construction Embassy in Hanoi on Friday on Washington, a cause to the media.

true reason why concerns of lighthouses, weather sta- to demand a stop to what which it has rallied its entire- Rana Sanaullah, a provin-

were growing over peace tions and other infrastruc- it called “China’s  infringe- ly state-controlled media cial minister, told report-

and stability.                  ture undertaken to provide ment of Vietnam’s sover- outlets.q                                                                   ers in the eastern city of

Myanmar:                                                                                                                                                        Lahore that the case was

                                                                                                                                                                registered based on infor-

Activists say destruction of opium fields blocked                                                                                                               mation provided by India.

                                                                                                                                                                The announcement came
                                                                                                                                                                weeks after Pakistan said

YANGON, Myanmar (AP)            trafficking.                   ment Friday.                                                      thorities in 1999 launched     it arrested “several indi-
— Anti-drug activists said      Three Pat Jasan activists      Myanmar is the world’s                                            a 15-year plan to eliminate    viduals” from the outlawed
Friday the military and local   have been injured by land      second-biggest producer                                           opium poppy cultivation,       Jaish-e-Mohammad mili-
police are preventing them      mines and one 19-year-old      of opium after Afghanistan.                                       but last year the deadline     tant group believed to be
from destroying fields of       member has been shot           Most opium is produced                                            was extended to 2019.          linked to the air base as-
opium poppies in northern       dead. The group claims         in Shan and Kachin states,                                        Although there are accu-       sault. Pakistan later took
Myanmar, a major cultiva-       to have destroyed many         and in Kachin state, drug                                         sations that the military has  the group’s head, Mau-
tion area for the drug that     acres (hectares) of pop-       use is especially common                                          profited, the drug trade has   lana Masood Azhar, into
can be made into heroin.        pies.                          among the young and                                               flourished largely because     custody for questioning.
The Pat Jasan group has                                        among migrants who scav-                                          of political considerations.   India  has long accused
more than 1,000 members          They say they were told       enge the detritus from gem                                        In some cases, ethnic mi-      Pakistan of turning a blind
engaged in the current          that the military would not    mines.                                                            nority groups fighting the     eye to militants who have
eradication campaign            provide security for any fu-   The area is part of the in-                                       government have helped         staged cross-border at-
and is affiliated with Chris-   ture attempts at clearing      famous Golden Triangle,                                           finance their struggles        tacks and battled Indian
tian churches of the Kachin     the poppies because Pat        the drug-producing area                                           through the drug trade, but    forces in the disputed Kash-
ethnic minority. The effort     Jasan is not a registered or-  where the frontiers of                                            in others the government       mir region, which is divided
it started in late January is   ganization.                    Myanmar, Laos and Thai-                                           has ignored the trade in ex-   between the two countries
opposed by farmers and          Officials with the state an-   land meet. The Myanmar                                            change for ethnic militias’    and claimed by both in its
militias that profit from drug  ti-drug police did not re-     government and local au-                                          loyalty.q                      entirety.q
                                spond to requests for com-
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