Page 18 - ATA
P. 18
LOCAL Saturday 17 March 2018
Loyal Visitor Honored at the Renaissance Ocean Suites
The certificate was present- with Ms. Nathalie Arends
ed by Ms. Darline de Cuba and Mr. David Gomez and
representing the Aruba associates from the Renais-
Tourism Authority, together sance Ocean Suites.q
ORANJESTAD - Recently to guests who visit Aruba These special guests love
the Aruba Tourism Authority for 20-to-34 consecutive Aruba very much because
had the great pleasure of years. of the friendly people, the
honoring two very special weather, the beaches, the
couples as Goodwill Am- The honorees for Goodwill restaurants, the Casinos,
bassadors of Aruba at the Ambassador were Mr. Vito and just about everything
Renaissance Ocean Suites. and Mrs. Jane Scorza and else! They say being on the
The symbolic honorary title Mr. Michael and Mrs. Dawn island is like being in para-
is presented in the name Gilligan, all celebrating dise and that Aruba is truly
of the Minister of Tourism more than 20 consecutive their ‘home-away-from-
as a token of appreciation annual visits to Aruba! home.’