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P. 73
LOCAL Thursday 6 July 2017
Surf’s Up at Aruba Hi Winds
World champion Slalom Ethan Westera (left). Registration Team Bonaire.
Registration Team Martinique. Motivation is on!
FISHERMAN’S HUTS - The petitions, long distance national windsurf names
biggest wind and kite- competitions and kite and the 31st edition of this
surf event of the Carib- surf performances. dynamic event welcomes
bean is on since July 4 Friday they organize a everybody to come, see,
when registrations of the so-called caminata, a feel and hear the vibes that
teams took place. recreational walk with make this event so popular
The Hi Winds event prizes to win. for years already.
is happening on the Participants come from Up to 16 July you can in-
beach of Fisherman’s all over the world: Unit- dulge yourself in the relax-
Huts where you can en- ed States, Peru, Nether- ing surf world while sipping a
joy a full program, enter- lands, Argentina, Mar- beer or refreshment.
taining for both surf lov- tinique, Bonaire and More information: www.hi-
ers and casual visitors. more.
There are slalom com- Hi Winds attracts inter-
Ready to ride the waves.