Page 29 - MIN.VOS 15 OCT,2015
P. 29

32 AWEMainta Diahuebs, 15 Oktober 2015

           Observando e dia, IBiSA ta comparti:

Kico ta ‘Dia Mundial
   di Alimentacion’

ROND di mundo ta celebra dia 16 di october       Casi 5 miyon di mucha bou di edad di 5 aña      mundial debi na malnutricion ta ekivalente
                                                 ta muri pa aña pa causanan relaciona cu         na 3.5 biyon di dolar pa aña.
como “World Food Day”.                           malnutricion.                                   Hamber ta conduci na un nivel halto di in-
E ‘Dia Mundial di Alimentacion’ ta un dia di     4 di cada 10 mucha den e paisnan di mas         seguridad global y na degradacion di medio
accion contra hamber y hendenan na tur parti     pober ta mal nutri, dañando asina nan curpa     ambiente.
di mundo ta reuni pa declara nan compromiso      y nan celebro.
pa caba cu hamber for di bida di e ser humano.                                                   Caba cu hamber na mundo no solamente ta di
E meta ta, pa ora papia di hamber e unico cifra  Tur ser humano tin e derecho fundamental        vital importancia moral pero sigur un inver-
aceptabel ful rond mundo ta cero. Pues cu no     pa no sufri di hamber y e derecho pa ricibi     sion productivo y bon pa sociedad.
tin ningun hende rond mundo cu ta sufri di       alimentacon adecua. E derecho aki ta keda
hamber.                                          realisa ora cu cada homber, muher y mucha       Sufri di hamber por pasa cu cualkier
                                                 tin e acceso fisico y economico na tur mo-      di nos.
‘Dia Mundial di Alimentacion’ ta celebra fun-    mento pa haya alimentacion adecua of tin e      Alimentonan nutritivo por ta costoso, esaki
dacion di “Food and Agriculture Organization     medionan pa obtene esaki.                       ta haci un dieta balansa bira un luho pa hopi
of the United Nations”, (FAO) dia 16 di octo-                                                    hende.
ber 1945 na Quebec, Canada. Mientras cu e        Pasobra, nos por caba cu hamber den
“World Food Day” mes a keda estableci na aña     nos bida.                                       Ora cu un persona perde trabou of pasa den
1979 y desde e fecha ey e dia ta wordo observa   Mundo ta produci suficiente cuminda pa ali-     un tragedia familiar; Sinti malo di salud of
den casi tur pais pa miyones di persona.         menta cada persona cu ta biba rib’e planeta     un accidente sosode, tur por ta causante cu
                                                 aki. E reto pa logra produci esaki ta grandi,   un hende na cualkier momento por sufri di
Pakico preocupa cu hamber?                       pero ora cu centralisa tur enfoke tin progreso  hamber de inmediato. Na nivel mundial,
Pa motibo cu e derecho di alimentacion (haya     sigur.                                          eventonan manera un cambio di clima ex-
cuminda), ta un derecho basico di tur ser hu-                                                    tremo, guera, of incluso un crisis financiero
mano.                                            Costo di negligencia ta demasiado               por afecta dramaticamente e capacidad di un
Den un mundo di abundancia di 805 miyon          halto.                                          persona pa alimenta su mes y su famia.
persona, 1 di cada 9 den henter mundo ta biba    Personanan cu ta sufri di hamber tin dificul-
cu hamber. E gasto di hamber y malnutricion      tad den siñamento, nan ta menos productivo      IBiSA ta observa e dia compartiendo cu comu-
ta cay gran parti riba esnan mas vulnerabel.     na trabao, nan ta bira malo cu frecuencia y     nidad e informacionnan tuma for di e website
Un 60% di esnan cu mas hamber rond mundo         nan ta biba mas cortico. E costo pa economia    di ‘World Food Day 2015’
ta hende muher.

Pride And                           Today many are not here any-     They were torpedoed.                without you knowing.
Dignity                             more.                            His skin in the form of his back    He was captured and executed.
                                    But today who are they ?         stuck to the cement.                But today who are they.
        By: Roland W.               It is good not to forget.        But today who are they?             It is good not to forget.
              Peterson.                                              It is good not to forget.
                                    Every year the group is getting                                      Once a year we place a flower to
In the parades they marched ten     smaller.                         They were disciplined and re-       remember.
feet tall.                          There will come a day that none  spected because they had the        To remember the courage, men-
With their heads held high.         will be left.                    mentality and the will to work      tality, discipline, will and posture
With strong arms and hard fists     Many of us are too young ,we     and defend.                         for a defense to stay free.
they displayed their weapons.       don’t know them.                 Work before pleasure, not once      Because of their heroism we are
With pride and dignity their flag.  But they defended, they stood    did they ever forget .              here today.
                                    ready to die for their country.  But today who are they?
Once they were many.                But today who are they?          It is good not to forget.           But today who are they?
                                    It is good not to forget.                                            It is good not to forget.
                                                                     In dangerous times, in the dark     Because we should always for-
                                    They sailed on the oil tankers.  and long nights , they stood guard  give, but never…. never…. forget.
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