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            Thursday 14 december 2017
            ECO DMS Birthday Gift: Inspiring Youth in Tourism

            PALM BEACH - ECO DMS, a
            Destination  Management
            Company  in  Aruba,  cel-
            ebrated  her  30th  Anniver-
            sary as an Educational Day
            for Young Leaders and Stu-
            dents from the University of
            Aruba and EPI Hospitality &
            Tourism at the Ritz- Carlton,
            Aruba;  a  retribution  to  the
            community of the island.

            Mrs.    Wichita   Villacres,
            owner  and  director  of
            ECO  DMS:  “As  part  of  our
            celebratory  agenda  for  a
            30th Anniversary one thing
            that we wanted to do was
            another  give  back  to  the
            community  by  inviting  51
            speakers  whom  I  call  my
            best  friends  which  are  the
            ones from the incentives in   be rewarded and all we do
            the  meeting  industry.  They   must be done with a smile,                                                          One  of  the  wisest  recom-
            all  have  agreed  to  come   we  need  to  enjoy  all  that                                                        mendations from one of the
            to  Aruba  to  educate  and   we do and the outcome is                                                              panelists,  Mrs.  Debbie  van
            motivate young leaders on    your success.                                                                          der  Beek,  Multimedia  Pub-
            how to be successful.”         “Authenticity  and  rele-                                                            lishing  Company  in  Cana-
                                         vance  are  the  key  to  suc-                                                         da: “Be the ice breaker and
            Appreciated by all attend-   cess  as  well  as  the  prac-                                                         check your ego”. Certainly
            ees,  the  support  to  ECO   tice”, Mr. Hugo Slimbrouck,                                                           added knowledge and ex-
            DMS  and  their  difference   director  of  strategic  part-                                                        pansion of thoughts, ideas,
            making  within  the  com-    nerships at Ovation Global                                                             visions, and dreams are key
            munity  is  remarkable  and   DMC, focused on the smart                                                             words  for  the  change  of
            extraordinary.  Mr.  Steve   strategies  and  objectives.                                                           our society and the success
            O’Malley,  vice  president   Caring  about  people,  the                                                            of itself.
            of Maritz Travel, one of the   use  of  our  imagination,                                                           ECO DMS donate and sup-
            panelists,  committed  to    being  rational  and  emo-                                                             ports  Foundation  Hende
            unleash  human  potential    tional  in  decision  making.                                                          Muhenan  den  Dificultad
            initiative  and  explaining   Slimbrouck  also  stated  the                                                         (supporting  female  victims
            about  his  experience  and   importance  of  making  it                                                            of domestic violence) and
            track  of  success.  “Aruba   very  personal.  “When  you                                                           the  Aruba  Rescue  Foun-
            keep  your  authentic  val-  dedicate  your  time  into                                                             dation  (focused  on  saving
            ues.”                        a  project  or  your  career,                                                          the  life  of  abandoned  or
                                         it  must  be  personal.”  He                                                           displaced  dogs  and  cats).
            Authenticity   and    Rele-  highlighted  important  bul-  economy  of  Aruba  by  en-  an  unforgettable  one  and   This is also a way of giving
            vance                        let points for young leaders  forcing  labor.  Making  the  allowing us to have repeat-  back to the community of
              “Even  when  you  are  not   and adults, suitable for our  experience of each group  ed and new visitors.         Aruba!q
            sure  which  path  to  take,   daily living.
            keep  on  going;  do  not
            hesitate  until  you  find  your   Be The Ice Breaker
            passion”. Mrs. Maoreen Ev-   CEO  of  Aruba  Tourism  Au-
            ery, General Manager ECO     thority,  Mrs.  Ronella  TjinAs-
            DMS, shared her successful   joe-Croes,  congratulated
            story. Based on her experi-  Wichita  and  her  team  for
            ence, hard work will always   bringing  growth  to  the
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