Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
Friday 12 april 2024
Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill
(Oranjestad)—If you are located at the center dis- ment decided to renovate
a regular hiker, or may- trict of the island, Santa these stairs in 1991. This
be want to spice up your Cruz, the Hooiberg Hill is new project delivered the
morning work out session, the second highest point newer staircase with only
then you might enjoy one on the island at 165 meters 587 steps. However, don’t
of the most popular climb- above sea level (or about be fooled—it may still be
ing sites on the island: The 540 feet above sea level). a work out to get on top.
Hooiberg Hill. Accompa- The highest point is Ja- In addition, there is now a
nied with a 600-step stair- manota Hill at 189 meters gazebo placed halfway up
case, this hill overlooks a (620 feet), located in the the stair for a little rest. The
great part of the island, the Arikok National Park. view at this resting stop is
Caribbean sea, and some- The staircase that run on also a sight to see.
times even the Santa Anna the side of the hill was first The best time to climb the
mountain located in the built in 1951, when Mr. Edu- hill would be early in the
coastal state of Falcon in ardo Tromp constructed it. morning or right before
Venezuela, providing one At that time, the staircase sunset, as it may not be as
of the best views you can consisted of 900 steps. hot. However, the hill is of
get on Aruba. Over time, as the steps course open all day, every
faced erosion, the govern- day.q
Episode CXVII- 117 - “Maishi” into abstract Art
By including essential ele- America, corn was an impor- of corn. This abundance of
ments of our native culture tant part of the diet of most food gave time to master
in art without intending it, we natives while until that time, many expressions of the art
arrive at an art contrary to Europeans were unaware of of ceramics and a huge vari-
figurative (that is, the repre- its existence. ety of crafts and techniques.
sentation of identifiable ob-
jects through recognizable If we think that the first The cultivation of corn
images) to abstract art, we Thanksgiving was celebrated brought an entirely new era
see how abstraction pro- in 1621. While sweet pota- and progress to Amerindian
poses a new reality by not toes, cranberry sauce, and societies across the conti-
representing concrete things, pumpkin pie were not on nent. Yes, for those who suc-
but proposing a “pure art” the menu, Indian corn cer- cessfully grew corn, including
that we can certainly enjoy tainly would have been one those found on islands and
beyond our reality. a plate. mountains. All of these Am-
erindian groups claim that
Starting from this concept For Aruba, corn was of vital their meat and bones are
and using “corn” as a vital importance and the most made from corn, Maish, or
element of the work, the important crop followed by Zea mays, the anthology of
ideas and concepts prevail cassava, beans, squashes GMO`s. This is how impor-
in the works presented while and peanuts to mention a tant this wonderful plant is
the visible reality becomes few. Corn was sacred to the to many native American
figurative. Caquetio and he respected cultures.
the whole plant as its cre-
Using “Maish”- Papiamento ator as mother food and To get to know more over
language for corn – in ab- revered with the greatest Aruba’s and its origins, its ani-
stract art the results are as respect. Along with pollen mals and culture, we highly
surprising as the importance and ceramic buren, ancient recommend you to book
of corn in Native American Aruba agro-ceramic cultures your visit for our renowned
culture. For from Mexico, had left their native mills or cultural encounter session
corn spread north and south. When Europeans like Co- with people who lived in the Metate’s known as “cudie”, has been entertaining curi-
lumbus came into contact Caribbean, North and South testimony to the presence ous participants for decades.
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