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Aruba to Me
                                                                                      May 7, 2022
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                           Page 9

                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
             Motherhood deferred: U.S. median age for giving birth hits 30

            By MIKE SCHNEIDER            Sunday,  Jacobs  feels  she
            For  Allyson  Jacobs,  life  in  has  more  resources  for
            her 20s and 30s was about  her son, 9, than she would
            focusing  on  her  career  in  have had in her 20s.
            health  care  and  enjoying  “There’s  definitely  more
            the  social  scene  in  New  wisdom,  definitely  more
            York City. It wasn't until she  patience,” said Jacobs, 52,
            turned 40 that she and her  who  is  a  patients’  services
            husband  started  trying  to  administrator at a hospital.
            have children. They had a  “Because we are older, we
            son when she was 42.         had  the  money  to  hire  a
            Over  the  past  three  dec-  nanny. We might not have
            ades,  that  has  become  been able to afford that if
            increasingly  common  in  we were younger.”
            the U.S., as birthrates have  While fertility rates dropped
            declined for women in their  from  1990  to  2019  overall,
            20s and jumped for women  the  decline  was  regarded
            in  their  late  30s  and  early  as rather stable compared
            40s,  according  to  a  new  to  previous  eras.  But  the
            report  from  the  U.S.  Cen-  age at which women had
            sus  Bureau.  The  trend  has  babies shifted.
            pushed  the  median  age  Fertility  rates  declined  by
            of  U.S.  women  giving  birth  almost 43% for women be-
            from  27  to  30,  the  highest  tween ages 20 and 24 and
            on record.                   by more than 22% for wom-    Allyson Jacobs stands for a portrait outside her workplace, Wednesday, May 4, 2022, in New York.
            As  an  older  parent  cel-  en between 25 and 29.                                                                              Associated Press
            ebrating  Mother's  Day  on       Continued on next page
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