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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 17 January 2024
            Lawmakers announce bipartisan effort to enhance child tax credit,

            revive tax breaks for businesses

            By KEVIN FREKING             able  to  parents  who  owe   most effective tools in exis-
            Associated Press             little to nothing in federal in-  tence to increase the sup-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  come taxes. The bill would      ply  of  affordable  housing,"
            chairmen  of  the  top  tax  incrementally  increase  the   Schumer  said.  "This  pack-
            policy committees in Con-    maximum refundable child     age  will  make  this  credit
            gress  announced  a  bipar-  tax credit to $1,800 for 2023   far more generous and far
            tisan  agreement  Tuesday  tax  returns,  $1,900  for  the   more easy to access."
            to  enhance  the  child  tax  following  year  and  $2,000   Speaker   Mike   Johnson,
            credit and revive a variety  for 2025 tax returns.        R-La.,  was  expected  to
            of tax breaks for businesses,  The Center on Budget and   meet  with  Smith  on  Tues-
            a  combination  designed  Policy  Priorities,  a  liberal   day  to  discuss  the  tax
            to  attract  support  from  think  tank  and  advoca-     agreement.
            lawmakers  of  both  politi-  cy  group,  projected  that   Some  lawmakers  have  in-
            cal parties. The roughly $78  about 16 million children in   sisted  that  any  tax  exten-
            billion in tax cuts would be  low-income  families  would   sions be paid for so as not to
            paid  for  by  more  quickly  benefit  from  the  child  tax   add  to  projected  deficits.
            ending  a  tax  break  Con-  credit expansion.            The  authors  of  the  agree-
            gress approved during the  "Given  today's  miserable     ment attempt to do that by   The U.S. Capitol is seen on Jan. 8, 2024, in Washington.
            COVID-19  pandemic  that  political  climate,  it's  a  big   speeding up the demise of                                         Associated Press
            encouraged  businesses  to  deal to have this opportu-    the employee retention tax  the  credit.  The  bill  would  for  tax  preparers  failing  to
            keep  employees  on  their  nity to pass pro-family pol-  credit.  Under  current  law,  bar additional claims after  undertake due diligence in
            payroll.                     icy that helps so many kids   businesses  had  until  April  Jan.  31  of  this  year.  It  also  submitting those COVID-19-
            The  agreement  was  an-     get ahead," Wyden said in    15  of  next  year  to  claim  would  increase  penalties  related claims.q
            nounced  by  Sen.  Ron  a  statement  announcing
            Wyden,  the  Democratic  the deal. Republicans were
            chairman  of  the  Senate  focused  on  tax  breaks  for
            Finance  Committee,  and  businesses  that  they  said
            Rep.  Jason  Smith,  the  Re-  would help grow the econ-
            publican  chairman  of  the  omy. The tax breaks in the
            House  Ways  and  Means  bill  would  generally  align
            Committee. The lawmakers  their expiration date — the
            have been negotiating for  end  of  2025  —  with  many
            months on a tax package  of  the  other  tax  cuts  that
            that  would  address  an  ar-  were approved in 2017.
            ray of priorities before law-  Most notably, the bill would
            makers  turn  their  focus  to  give companies of all sizes
            election season.             the  ability  to  deduct  re-
            Wyden  said  his  goal  is  to  search  and  development
            gain approval of the mea-    costs  immediately  rather
            sure  in  time  for  businesses  than  over  the  course  of
            and  families  to  benefit  five  years.  It  would  also
            during the upcoming filing  allow  businesses  to  fully
            season.  The  Internal  Rev-  deduct  the  purchase  of
            enue  Service  will  begin  equipment,       machinery
            accepting and processing  and  technology.  And,  the
            tax  returns  on  Jan.  29,  so  bill also provides more flex-
            lawmakers  are  looking  to  ibility  in  determining  how
            move the bill as quickly as  much  borrowing  can  be
            possible.                    deducted.
            Meeting  that  goal  may  Smith  said  the  agreement
            prove difficult as lawmakers  "strengthens  Main  Street
            are already racing to finish  businesses, boosts our com-
            their spending bills and are  petitiveness  with  China,
            considering  a  bill  focused  and creates jobs."
            on  both  aiding  Israel,  and  Senate  Majority  Leader
            Ukraine and stemming the  Chuck  Schumer,  D-N.Y.,
            flow  of  migrants  entering  said  he  supported  the  tax
            the  country  at  the  U.S.-  package  and  "that  there
            Mexico border. One option  are  many  things  in  it  both
            would be for leaders in the  sides  can  celebrate."  He
            House  and  Senate  to  at-  praised the inclusion of an
            tach the measure to one of  increased tax credit for the
            those top-priority bills.    construction  and  rehabili-
            In  forging  the  agreement,  tation  of  housing  for  low-
            Democratic      negotiators  income  households,  and
            were  focused  on  boosting  he said he could not have
            the child tax credit. The tax  supported  the  package
            credit  is  $2,000  per  child,  without it.
            but  only  $1,600  is  refund-  "The   low-income   hous-
            able, which makes it avail-  ing tax credit is one of the
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