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P. 25
Diarazon 24 Februari 2016 Pagina 25
Amendment to the New Rules and Regulation and
recap of old rules and regulations for APSC
Dear Members, 10AM, any member who is proper procedure to keep to be legitimate. If you The Board also discussed
not present before 10AM your weapons at home, are caught with a firearm the use of it’s Logo and club
WEAPONS AT HOME on the day of the Ranking which entails a proper safe that is not registered in design for use in any way
will not be permitted to for BOTH your weapons your name the Club will which might benefit the
After our first board compete on that day. and your ammunition. not support you with the user financially, we would
meeting for 2016 we The club card which will authorities and you will be like to remind all members
have reviewed all the If you are not able to be issued with your name subjected to a warning, that the use of it’s Logo
competitors attendance comply with this rule you and weapons on it will suspension and ultimately or the design created for
to the Rankings and will are more than welcome specifically mention if you expulsion from the club. the club (Iguana) is not
decided who is entitled to keep your weapon are entitled to have your permitted if you are to
to maintain a weapon at Master Sport and weapons at home or not, NEW MEMBERS benefit financially from it’s
at home for 2016. As a still be a member of the anyone caught abusing use without prior written
reminder to maintain a club, however you will this rule will receive a REGULATION authorization form the
weapon at home you need to coordinate with warning after suspension board.
have to participate in one Kenneth or Dinesh before and then expulsion from All potential new members
competition each month, a ranking competition or the club need to get paperwork in LIST OF APPROVED
it would be mandatory to on a Sunday to be able order to be able to shoot; RANGE OFFICERS FOR
compete in one every two to shoot your weapon. Please do keep in mind first comers are welcome 2016
months for a minimum As per the club rules no that MS does not have to try out their skills
attendance of 6 per year, practicing during the week Insurance for any of the before deciding to join or Frank VD Lende
this in order to have the is permitted unless you weapons in it’s safe which not after a safety course
privilege of maintaining are an appointed Range means you would need to by one of the appointed Kenneth Lacle
your weapon at home. Officer by the club or arrange for that separately. Range Officers. By no
We will accept the 4 accompanied by one means is a new member Howard Cheng
best scores of the 12 (List Enclosed Below SALE OF FIREARMS entitled to purchase a
competitions per division of Appointed Range firearm within the first Yuhong Lee
for your rankings, which Officers). Another important point year of membership, the
means you would be able we need to reiterate on permission to purchase Ramon Mas
to compete in different After we have established is the selling of firearms a firearm does not entitle
divisions if you wish. All who is able to keep between club members; the member to maintain Dinesh Mahtani
competitors who wish to their weapon at home we inspected all the the weapon at home either
compete in the rankings we will issue signed registered firearms at MS and must achieve the Dario Penja
need to have their dues documentation to persons and the changes / sales required 6 competitions
paid up in full for the year who are in compliance with of Firearms in order to before they receive Herbert Lynn
by lasted March 1st of the new rules, and without update the clubs database permission. The board,
that year, only registered that documentation so that we can comply with subjectively reserves the Frank Dennert
members of the club may (Letter) you will not be the stricter requirements right to refuse any new
compete in the rankings. permitted to have your of the local authorities. member the purchase of Dido De Cuba
As of 2016 the fees for weapon at home, if you We noticed many sales a new firearm and may
the Rankings will be fail to follow the rule and of firearms taken place during anytime temporarily Audy Bronstein
Awg15, which need to be are caught with your without the signature or permanently require a
paid before you receive weapon at home without of the club president, member to submit their Gert Jan Eerenberg
your score sheets, any proper documentation please keep in mind that firearm back to the club
competitor who helps build you will have to face the in order for the sale to be for safe keeping for any Chewy Geomar
stages will be exempt from authorities without the registered into the club reason.
paying these fees. The clubs support. In addition database and on your club Wiwi Marchena
cut off time for joining the we will need to be assured card you need to comply
Ranking Competition is that you have followed the with this rule for the sale Giovanni Heyliger
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Mario’s Septic Service
560-3500 / 565-4477