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               Saturday 14 december 2024

            Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, Aruba, Leads as World’s First Hotel to

            Earn Two Perfect 100% Scores from Green Globe

            EAGLE BEACH—Bucuti & Tara Beach  reforested  in  partnership  with  Ban
            Resort made history as the first ho-  Lanta y Planta and nature trails are
            tel  in  the  world  to  achieve  two  being  added.  Fragile  ecosystems
            perfect  100%  scores  from  Green  are already awakening and when
            Globe, the leading certification for  the  reforestation  is  complete  with
            sustainability in travel and tourism.  15,000 indigenous trees, more than
            This landmark achievement solidi-   375  tCO2  emissions  will  be  drawn
            fies the resort’s position as a global  down  from  the  atmosphere  each
            leader  in  eco-conscious  hospi-   year  for  Aruba’s  future  genera-
            tality.  Green  Globe’s  certification  tions.  Local university students col-
            program, renowned for its rigorous  laborate with the resort to identify
            standards,  evaluates  over  380  in-  native plant species and measure
            dicators related to environmental,  carbon  sequestration  rates.  These
            social, and economic sustainabil-   efforts  continue  to  draw  together
            ity.  Bucuti  &  Tara’s  perfect  scores  staff, guests and community mem-
            reflect its unwavering commitment  bers  and  businesses  who  reflect
            to  sustainable  tourism,  making  it  great pride for their Aruba home.
            the first hotel in Green Globe’s his-  ●    Stimami Sterilisami. In 2016,
            tory to earn this distinction twice.  the  resort  founded  and  is  the  pri-
                                                mary funder of Stimami Sterilisami,
            Green  Globe  CEO  Birte  Pelayo  a national spay/neuter program for
            praised  Bucuti  &  Tara’s  “unprec-  local dogs and cats that humanely
            edented  performance,”  noting  reduces pet overpopulation on is-
            the resort’s remarkable leadership  land by providing subsidized spay-  and  guests.  Locals  and  island  or-  to protect Aruba’s natural beauty
            in carbon-neutral travel. “Bucuti &  ing and neutering procedures and  ganizations are also invited to join  and share it with our guests, staff,
            Tara Beach Resort continues to set  promotes  responsible  pet  owner-  the efforts.                        and community.”
            a global standard for sustainability,  ship.  To  date,  almost  40,000  pets  ●   Local  Artistry  in  Renova-  Bucuti  &  Tara’s  dedication  to  sus-
            demonstrating how a tourism busi-   have  been  spayed  or  neutered  tions:  The  recent  reimagining  of  tainability  and  wellness  ensures
            ness can lead with direct action on  and  the  program  is  expanding  to  Bucuti  &  Tara’s  casually  sophisti-  that  each  stay  leaves  a  positive
            climate  challenges  while  engag-  provide  fully  complimentary  spay  cated  Tara  Lounge  includes  furni-  impact  on  Aruba’s  environment
            ing  guests  and  the  local  commu-  and  neuter  procedures  to  rescue  ture handcrafted by local artisans,  and  future.  For  more  information,
            nity,” Pelayo said.                 organizations  and  low  income  blending sustainability with cultural  visit
            This  second  perfect  score  builds  households.                       celebration.
            on Bucuti & Tara’s historic achieve-  ●     Monthly  Beach  Clean-ups:  Owner/CEO  Ewald  Biemans  ex-      About Green Globe
            ment in 2020, when it became the  A 32-year tradition at Bucuti & Tara,  pressed  his  pride  in  the  resort’s  Green  Globe  is  the  leading  cer-
            first  hotel  ever  to  earn  a  perfect  monthly beach clean-ups regularly  achievement, saying, “Receiving a  tification  for  sustainable  tourism.
            Green  Globe  score.  The  resort’s  remove more than 1,000 lbs/454 kg  second perfect score from Green  Founded  in  1993,  the  certification
            most  recent  Green  Globe  audit  of  debris  annually,  engaging  staff  Globe  fuels  our  ongoing  mission  recognizes organizations that meet
            highlighted   various   sustainabil-                                                                        rigorous  standards  in  environmen-
            ity  initiatives  that  contributed  to                                                                     tal,  social,  and  economic  sustain-
            its flawless performance. These in-                                                                         ability.  Its  comprehensive  criteria,
            clude:                                                                                                      developed  over  three  decades,
            ●       Bucuti  &  Tara  –  GMC  Na-                                                                        assess a wide range of operations,
            ture  Preserve:  In  2022,  the  resort,                                                                    from energy and water conserva-
            along  with  Owner/CEO  Ewald                                                                               tion  to  community  engagement
            Biemans  and  island  friend  Greta                                                                         and     biodiversity   preservation.
            Marie  Case,  gifted  Aruba  with  a                                                                        Green  Globe  helps  businesses  in-
            32-acre/13-hectare  prime  stretch                                                                          tegrate  sustainable  practices  into
            of land in the middle of busy Noord,                                                                        their  operations  while  providing
            called The Bucuti Tara - GMC Na-                                                                            guests with trusted, eco-conscious
            ture Preserve. This preserve is being                                                                       choices.q
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