Page 12 - MIN TTC JAN 3 2015
P. 12
Saturday 3 January 2015
Sail with Jolly Pirates
Aruba’s Most Entertaining Sea-Bound Adventure
PALM BEACH - FROM Business Award Ceremony,
THE MOMENT YOU STEP the “Best Of Aruba” Award
ABOARD these charming recognized Jolly Pirates the
Old World Teak Schooners, island’s “Best Snorkel Expe-
you will discover the color- rience”. Discover why so
ful personalities of Captain many Delighted Guests re-
Harald, the ship’s hands-on turn each year and you will
owner and his crew, who learn why Jolly Pirates holds
literally turn flips to please the top spot of most popu-
their guests. The typical hos- lar sailing trip in Aruba!
pitality offered by the high- You’re never too old or too
spirited crew is what keeps young to learn what makes
guests returning year after Jolly Pirates Cruises more
year and recommending special!
the fun aboard the Jolly Pi- Jolly Pirates Cruises will
rates snorkeling and sunset Board by the Hadicurari
sails to their friends. Pier at Moomba Beach be-
Old-world sailing, com- tween the Holiday Inn and
bined with a top-notch Marriott.
crew, is the unbeatable Give the Jolly Pirates a
combination that has shout at ([tel] 297/586-
earned the Jolly Pirates Sail- 8107; www.jolly-pirates.
ing Adventures recognition com for more information
from Trip Advisor ranking on Aruba’s most entertain-
Jolly Pirates among the top ing sea-bound adventure.
performing establishments Tear out the value add-
from around the world, ed coupon featured on
with its Certificate of Excel- the pages of the Aruba
lence for 2014. In a recent Today.q
Saturday 3 January 2015
Sail with Jolly Pirates
Aruba’s Most Entertaining Sea-Bound Adventure
PALM BEACH - FROM Business Award Ceremony,
THE MOMENT YOU STEP the “Best Of Aruba” Award
ABOARD these charming recognized Jolly Pirates the
Old World Teak Schooners, island’s “Best Snorkel Expe-
you will discover the color- rience”. Discover why so
ful personalities of Captain many Delighted Guests re-
Harald, the ship’s hands-on turn each year and you will
owner and his crew, who learn why Jolly Pirates holds
literally turn flips to please the top spot of most popu-
their guests. The typical hos- lar sailing trip in Aruba!
pitality offered by the high- You’re never too old or too
spirited crew is what keeps young to learn what makes
guests returning year after Jolly Pirates Cruises more
year and recommending special!
the fun aboard the Jolly Pi- Jolly Pirates Cruises will
rates snorkeling and sunset Board by the Hadicurari
sails to their friends. Pier at Moomba Beach be-
Old-world sailing, com- tween the Holiday Inn and
bined with a top-notch Marriott.
crew, is the unbeatable Give the Jolly Pirates a
combination that has shout at ([tel] 297/586-
earned the Jolly Pirates Sail- 8107; www.jolly-pirates.
ing Adventures recognition com for more information
from Trip Advisor ranking on Aruba’s most entertain-
Jolly Pirates among the top ing sea-bound adventure.
performing establishments Tear out the value add-
from around the world, ed coupon featured on
with its Certificate of Excel- the pages of the Aruba
lence for 2014. In a recent Today.q