Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 10 sepTember 2024

            Yesterday, Raymond Kamperveen registered the shortest

            presidency of Parliament in the history of Aruba

            Despite  yesterday  seeing
                                                                                                                   Members of the armed forces during a
            images of members of the                                                                           ceremonial parade for the opening ceremony
            military practicing their pa-                                                                              for Parliamentary Year 2023.
            rade  and  other  prepara-
            tions  for  the  ceremony  of
            inauguration of a New Par-
            liamentary Year, which was
            programmed for today, the
            retirement of the government
            of Aruba means that no New
            Parliamentary Year will be in-
            augurated today.

            At the same time, this means
            that the newly elected presi-
            dent of Parliament, Raymond
            Kamperveen, lost his position
            barely a few hours after be-
            ing elected yesterday. With    Prime minister Evelyn Wever-Croes, of the MEP-party, speaks
            this, Kamperveen holds the      to reporters after handing her request for the retirement of
                                                    her cabinet to the Governor of Aruba.
            record for the shortest presi-
            dency of Parliament in the  by Open list Party-list propor-  Bischoff system (a variant of
            history of Aruba.            tional representation. Seats  the D'Hondt method).
                                         are  distributed  between
            Aruba elects a legislature on  parties that have gained at  Aruba has a multi-party sys-
            the national level. Parliament  least one full quota (1/21, or  tem, with two or three strong
            (Staten)  has  21  members,  approximately 4.76% of the  parties and a third party that
            elected for a four-year term  vote) using the Hagenbach-  is  electorally  successful.  In   Governor of Aruba, His Excellency Mr. Alfonso
                                                                                                     Boekhoudt gives a speech during the opening
                                                                                                        ceremony for Parliamentary Year 2023.

                                                                                                   2021, the MEP-party won the  an agreement on the presi-
                                                                                                   general election and formed  dency.
                                                                                                   a coalition government with
                                                                                                   the Raiz-party, which had a  Yesterday morning, after the
                                                                                                   mandate until 2025.          voting for the new president
                                                                                                                                of  Parliament  took  place,
                                                                                                   Every year, the members of  giving  the  presidency  to
                                                                                                   Parliament  vote  for  a  new  leader of the Raiz-fraction,
                                                                                                   president  for  Parliament.  Raymond      Kamperveen,
                                                                                                   This  year,  the  senior  coali-  prime minister Evelyn Wev-
                                                                                                   tion partner MEP wanted to  er-Croes and the rest of her
                                                                                                   extend the presidency of Ed-  MEP ministers in government
                                                                                                   gard Vrolijk, while the junior  requested to the Governor of
                                                                                                   coalition partner requested  Aruba to retire from their po-
                                                                                                   anyone  but  Vrolijk.  This  re-  sitions. This means that Aruba
                                                                                                   sulted in a political standoff  no longer has a government
                                                                                                   within the coalition, with both  – replaced by a caretaker
                                                                                                   parties announcing late at  government – and new elec-
              Mr. Raymond Kamperveen (far left) in Parliament with vice-                           night on Monday that they  tions are to be held on the
               prime minister of Aruba, Mr. Ursell Arends and member of                            were  “ready  for  elections”  6th of december 2024.q
                            Parliament Misha Raymond.                                              if  they  couldn’t  come  to
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