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locAl           Wednesday 8 July 2020

            Lockdown living

            By Melissa Martin            wearing you to the office is
            OHIO,  U.S.  —  The  world  is  taboo. We’ll still be together
            reopening  and  I  need  to  on  the  weekends.  Slouchy
            return  to  social  norms  and  clothes, don’t be jealous of
            hygiene habits prior to CO-  formal attire. Back to wear-
            VID-19. Life after lockdown  ing a bra in public places.
            requires diligence to return  My  pajamas  retired  them-
            to  previous  routines  and  selves  because  I  put  too
            schedules.                   many  daytime  miles  on
            First, I want to make a con-
            fession  and  come  clean—   The days of wearing a ball
            soapy clean. Daily bathing  cap to hide my gray hair is
            during the shutdown didn’t  over. It’s been cut, colored,
            happen until May when the  and styled by my hairdress-
            weather warmed. No com-      er. Woo hoo! What a relief.
            mute to the office allowed  And  just  who  dubbed  hair
            for less showering. My hub-  salons a non-essential busi-
            by  and  I  stocked  up  on  ness? Probably, a bald guy
            food  and  hunkered  down  or Miley Cyrus.                But,  the  problem  will  be  outside  the  home  is  a  no-
            with no visitors and no out-                              keeping  her  off  a  new  no.
            ings. Why on earth should a  Yes,  I  became  hooked  on  couch. Ugh.
            human shower every day if  YouTube gardening videos.                                   But,  I  reworked  my  flower
            she’s  not  going  anywhere  So much so—that I planted  I  thought  about  baking  beds,  planted  a  pollina-
            to be exposed to the virus?   asparagus.  By  the  way,  it  a  cake,  but  my  spouse  tor  paradise  for  butterflies,
                                         takes 3 years to harvest the  laughed so hard he almost  bees, and beneficial bugs,
            Shaving took a dive during  first crop of this green veg-  wet  his  pants.  It’s  been  and  repainted  my  water-
            the  quarantine—including  etable. Who knew?              boocoo years since I home-   ing  cans  and  pots.  And
            the tiny hairs under my nose                              made  a  yummy  treat.  The  scooped the dog poo from
            and above my top lip. And  Don’t  judge  me.  I  binge-   feeling  soon  passed.  My  the backyard. I planted ex-
            the rogue hair that lives on  watched  all  the  episodes  new cooking title is “Crock-  tra tomato and green pep-
            the edge of my chin. Back  of the Schitt’s Creek series.  pot Queen.” Not to be con-   per  plants  in  order  to  do-
            to the razor. Argh!          I took a vacation from the  fused with crackpot.          nate to local food pantries.
                                         news in June. And I slacked                               The sunflower seeds will be
            “I’ve  been  so  lonely!”  my  on cleaning the house.     I  saved  money  by  not  harvested  and  stored  to
            deodorant     cried.   Sorry                              wearing  makeup  during  feed winter birds.
            armpits,  but  I  didn’t  need  Bad habit. I allowed my 120  the lockdown. My perfume
            my  antiperspirant  during  pound canine to lounge on  took  a  sabbatical  as  well.  I’m wondering, is this what   Melissa  Martin,  Ph.D.,  is
            the pandemic isolation.      the  end  of  the  couch.  My  Looking good and smelling  retirement  will  look  like  for   an  author,  columnist,
                                         rationale—it’s  an  old  ratty  good is back in style as the  me? Hmmm.q                educator, and therapist.
            Yoga pants, I love you, but  sofa  that  needs  replaced.  world  reopens.  Body  odor                               She lives in U.S.

            SETAR Complete 60+

            ORANJESTAD — SETAR intro-    and  older.  The  beneficial  170  to  250  Mbs.  All  these
            duces  their  newest  pack-  package  consists  of  three  great  services  for  one
            age  especially  for  seniors  services  which  are:  fixed  price.  The  additional  free
            named  ‘SETAR  Complete  telephone  line,  cable  and  minutes and also the use of
            60+’  which  includes  an  in-  internet.                 both  packages  has  been
            crease  in  free  minutes  for                            increased. The free minutes
            fixed telephone lines.       Clients  60+  can  choose  can  be  used  anytime  dur-
                                         between  two  packages:  ing the day.
            Since  October  2019,  SE-   the Startup Plan or the Pre-
            TAR launched their newest  mium Plan. With the choice  For more information check
            package  SETAR  Complete  of  one  of  these  packages  out the website www.setar.
            60+.                         the client will receive addi-  aw  or  call  +297  525-1700.
                                         tional free minutes to fixed  Clients  60+  interested  to
            The package offers very at-  phone lines, more TV chan-   apply  for  the  service  must
            tractive rates for senior cli-  nels to choose from and a  pass by any Setar Teleshop
            ents at the age of 60 years  higher  internet  speeds  of  or Setar Store. q
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