Page 5 - DESPA 6 MAY 2017
P. 5

Pagina 26                                                                                                               Diasabra 6 Mei 2017

           Sudoku                                                                            Botica na             Botica na
                                      Solución                                                  Warda:                Warda:

                                                                                              te cu 6 Mei 2017     te cu 13 Mei 2017

                                                                                            Botica Sta. Anna       Botica Dakota
                                                                                           Botica Seroe Preto      Centro Medico

                                                                                           Rooster di dokter na Warda IMSAN
                                                                                                    pa luna di MEI 2017

                                                                                           MA 01 LINDEN V/D (Arbeidsdag) MA 22 RAMAUTAR

                                                                                           DI 02 EVERY             DI 23 TROMP

                                                                                           WO 03 GIEL              WO 24 VIS

                                                                                           DO 04 LINDEN V/D        DO 25 WEVER


                                                                                           VR 05 LUCHMUN           VR 26 BODERIE

                                                                                           MA 08 RAMAUTAR          MA 29 BRITT-CROES
                                                                                           DI 09 TROMP             DI 30 DE CUBA
                                                                                           WO 10 VIS               WO 31 EVERY
                                                                                           DO 11 BODERIE           VR 12 BRITT-CROES

Noticia Internet...                                                                        MA 15 DE CUBA
                                                                                           DI 16 EVERY
HBO GO | MAY 2017 HIGHLIGHTS                                                               WO 17 GIEL
                                                                                           DO 18 LINDEN V/D
                                                                                           VR 19 LUCHMUN


A new month calls for a                                                                    06 – 07 Mei       * VIS
fresh lineup of exciting                                                                   13 – 14 Mei       * BODERIE
programming catering to                                                                    20 – 21 Mei       * BRITT-CROES
every member of the family.                                                                27 – 28 Mei       * DE CUBA
Throughout the month of
May, HBO is serving up                                                                     Numbernan di Emergencia:
a full menu of comedies,
dramas, and everything                                                                     Central di Brandweer    911
in between, to ensure
entertainment is never out of                                                              Polis                   100
reach while on-the-go. HBO
GO allows subscribers to                                                                                Sanicolas  104
enjoy their favorite and not-
to-be-missed programming                                                                                Sta Cruz   105
anytime and anywhere, and
this month is no exception.                                                                             Oranjestad 102

New original programming                                                                                Shaba      107
includes new episodes of two
beloved Emmy®-winning                                                                                   Tip Line   11141
comedy series, Veep and
Silicon Valley, the third and                                                              Hospitaal               527-4000
final season of the critically
acclaimed drama series The                                                                 Centro Medico San Nicolas 524-8833
Leftovers, and the finale of
the animated adult comedy                                                                  Ambulance
series Animals. May also
brings the premiere of the                                                                              Wayaca     582-1234
new HBO Film The Wizard
of Lies. Starring Robert De    Watch two of Marvel’s most-   Beware the Slenderman,                     Sanicolas  584-5050
Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer     loved superheroes face off    which tells the true story
the film follows the story      in Captain America: Civil     of two girls who lured their
of stockbroker, investment     War or discover what goes     best friend into the woods,
advisor and financier Bernie    on when their owners aren’t   stabbed her 19 times and
Madoff after he was arrested   around in The Secret Life of  confessed they did it to
for perpetrating perhaps       Pets.                         appease a tall and faceless
the largest financial fraud in                                man known online as
United States history.         Finally, you won’t want to    Slenderman.
                               miss the new documentary
Everyone has a hero to follow
this month on HBO GO.
Follow Dwayne Johnson and
Kevin Hart come together in
Central Intelligence as two
old classmates who become
unlikely allies and are
forced to rely on each other
strengths to save the world.
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