Page 14 - BDA06MAY2015
P. 14
SALUDDiaranson 6 Mei 2015
Islanan den Caribe Hulandes uni den Salubridad Publico
te di su bishita reciente-
mente na Corsou pa papia
cu profesionalnan medico
y autoridadnan di dife-
rente instancia cu ta traha
den cuido medico tocante
Health Care Conference
Aruba (HCCA), Minis-
ter dr. Alex Schwengle a
reuni tambe cu Director
medico di SEHOS, dr.
Carlos “Cay” Winkel.
HCCA ta “un iniciativa sumamente importante pa
nos tur, pasobra mi ta com-
The value you’re pletamente di acuerdo cu e
looking for idea di Minister Schwengle,
cu aunke nos ta islanan apart,
Join us on Monday, 18 May 2015 as we organise two nos mester traha hunto, nos
seminars titled “Compliance & Asset Management: mester uni,” dr. Winkel a
Anticipate risks for better opportunities” and “Strategic subraya. El a añadi cu islanan
Workforce Planning: Ready for the future.” chikito por bira grandi door
di uni y yuda otro, cual hus-
tamente ta tambe e meta di e
Logistic details On Monday, 18 May 2015, PwC Dutch Caribbean organises Minister Schwengle a pre- E hospital di Corsou ta un
Date: 18 May 2015 two seminars titled “Compliance & Asset Management: senta e programa na tur e hospital di curso cu ta ricibi
Time seminar Compliance & Anticipate risks for better opportunities” and “Strategic islanan Hulandes Caribense studiantenan como assistent
Asset Management: Workforce Planning: Ready for the future.” y a invita e instancianan, y co assistent tambe, unda cu
8.00 – 12.00hrs For the seminar Compliance & Asset Management, we’ve como tambe profesionalnan por nota e diferencia entre e
Time seminar Strategic combined two key topics that are of high importance medico cu ta traha pa e in- “antes” y “awo” y e cambi-
Workforce Planning: to financial institutions and entities that are under the stancianan manera clinicanan onan cu ta sigui tuma luga.
13.30 – 17.00hrs supervision of the Central Bank of Aruba. We’ll be talking y hospitalnan, pero tambe E organisacion ta mas fuerte;
Location: Aruba Surfside Marine about identifying, understanding and managing risk and help dokternan di cas y Banco di e calidad di cuido pa e pash-
Language: English ensure an appropriate balance between risks and opportunities Seguro Social (SVb) na Sint ent ta un factor sumamente
within an organisation such as a pension fund or insurance Maarten y Curaçao pa par- positivo. Desaroyonan den
Participation fee company. ticipa. ciencia medico ta demostra
The participation fee is US$375,- At the seminar Strategic workforce Planning, we’ll Dr. Winkel a bisa cu e ta cu tecnica y tecnologia di in-
incl BBO per seminar. discuss how you can optimise your business performance sumamente contento cu e tervencion ta mas compleho
Attend both seminars and through workforce planning and analytics. Strategic conferencia ta wordo or- y pa mantene calidad di cui-
receive a 10% discount. Workforce Planning helps organisations to define the desired ganisa y cu e ta su intencion do y ta competitivo ta im-
characteristics and composition of the future workforce to turn pa participa activamente. El a portante pa nos traha hunto.
Information & registration strategy into reality. In defining the ‘dream team’ of the future, splica cu tin masha hopi spe- Esaki sigur lo aumenta nos
For more information and the link is made between the strategy of the organisation and cialista medico hoben ta bin posicion den Caribe tambe
to register, contact Shanine the HR policy. traha na e hospital di Cor- como islanan cu ta updated
Oduber via email: We hope you will be able to join us! sou y ta notabel cu tin un den cuido medico. For more details visit diferencia grandi entre con Dr. Winkel a conclui cu e
or phone: (+297) 522 1647 e specialistanan medico ta remarca cu cuido medico ta
wordo educa y ta traha awen- bayendo dilanti na Corsou
© 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers Dutch Caribbean. All rights reserved. dia compara cu tempo cu el a como tambe na Aruba y si e
studia y cuminsa traha y tin paisnan bay dilanti hunto ta
hopi cambio den organisa- mas miho ainda.q
cionnan mes tambe.