Page 6 - ATA FLIP 22 JULY 2017
P. 6
LOCAL Saturday 22 July 2017
Weekend in Latin Vibe and Russian Rhythm
a thrill in life, an uplifting
stream and a touch of the
soul. At least, when it is the
music you like.
Classical music is liked by
many people, especially
when it is performed live.
Good thing we have the
Aruba Symphony Festival
going on. Yesterday Aruba
Today spotlighted the kick-
off of this series of concerts,
today we talk about what’s
on stage tonight and to-
Saturday’s Latin Fever
La Catrina String Quartet
(LCSQ) has been recog-
nized as the new vanguard
for contemporary Latin
American string quartet
repertoire. They have a
threefold mission: A com-
mitment to the cultiva-
tion of new works by living eth century masterpieces. Ma has hailed the group as Their CD “Brasileiro” featur- tion of their artistic goals. All
composers in the U.S and LCSQ is made up of Dan- ‘wonderful ambassadors ing the music of the Brazil- of this adds up to an eve-
throughout the Americas; iel Vega-Albela (Mexico) for Latin American music’. ian composer Francisco Mi- ning of high quality music.
the programming of exist- violin; Simon Gollo, (Swit- Their diverse cultural back- gnone won the 2012 Latin The program for that eve-
ing Latin American works zerland/Venezuela) violin; grounds are reflected in American Grammy for Best ning also features two mu-
rarely performed in the U.S. Jorge Martinez, (Mexico) the diversity of their concert Classical Recording. sicians who know Russian
and elsewhere; to bring viola; Jorge Espinoza, programs and appealed music.
fresh interpretations to clas- (Chile) cello. No less an to the Aruban multi-cultural Location: Freewinds Cruise, Dmitry Berlinsky the quintes-
sical, romantic and twenti- artist than the great Yo-Yo audience last year. time: 8pm, admission free. sential Russian/American
violinist awed the audience
Sunday’s Russian Rumble accompanying the Aruba
This evening showcases the Symphony Orchestra two
Bogotá Chamber Orches- years ago playing music
tra made up of around 25 by Anton Arensky and also
students and graduates earned much applause in-
of the Conservatory of the terpreting Stravinsky’s mu-
Universidad Nacional de sic in the 2016 Festival.
Colombia. This group has As recently as two months
gained fame performing ago, Ms Peña gave a con-
without a director. cert in the Concert Hall of
The policy of dispensing the Marlinski Theatre of St.
with the director requires Petersburg, Russia. Her al-
each one to play at a tech- bum ‘Danzas de todos los
nical high level, to be ex- tiempos’ was nominated
tremely interpretative and last year for the ‘Best Classi-
to possess strong humane cal Album in the 2016 Latin
sentiments to perform the Grammy Awards’, the first
symphonic repertoire. time that a Latin American
This requires the member musician was so honored.
musicians to maintain a
constant activity of cham- Location: Cas di Cultura,
ber music as the founda- time: 6pm, admission free.