Page 22 - KPA JULY 20 2015
P. 22
PRESENTDouane Aruba will be LAST Friday a group of the Douane Aruba (Customs Aruba)
went to Holland to participate in the Nijmegen event, the 4
at the 99th edition of the4 Daagse Nijmegen 2015 Daagse Nijmegen Loop (4 day Nijmegen walk). More than 45
thousand people register to participate in this event and more
than 1.2 million people come to support the walkers on all 4
There are 4 categories. The First one is for people older than
60 years; they walk 30 km everyday amounting to a total of
120 km in 4 days. The Second category is male that are turning
50 this year, they walk 40 km day which is a total of
160 km in 4 days.
The Third category is male between the ages of 16
to 49; they walk 50 km a day amounting to a total
of 200 km in 4 days. There is also the military group
that walks 40 km every day.
Aruba customs office along with the Dutch
customs office, European customs office, and the
customs offices of Bonaire and Curacao will all
be participating in this walk. Four customs office
employees will be representing Aruba this year.
They are Mr. Humphrey Richardson who is going
for his 16th medal this year, Mr. Marlon Ruiz
participating for the 11th time, Mr. Gio Davelaar
participating for the 9th time and Mr. Oliver Peter
Wever first time participant.
The registration takes place today and tomorrow
Tuesday 21, July they start walking. This is
the 17th year that Mr. Humphrey Richardson
participated in this great event.
Thanks to Mr. Humphrey Richardson for
advertising Aruba and representing Aruba in
Success to all the Aruban Participants.
An A4 Laclé confirms this. The new pink Guillfred Besaril of the MEP party. He expressed in a
sheet as a cards should be available by August press release that he was outraged to know that there
1st. have been problems with the licenses for a year now
TEMPORARY A lady that wanted to renew her and that the government promised that the white
driver’s license at the Driver’s license card would be temporary, but that was 6 months ago.
LICENSE Bureau in Santa Cruz was told that
this was not possible. “Renewing it Minister of Justice Arthur Dowers informed in
makes no sense, because there are interviews with various media that the new pink
no new ones to give out. Come back passes will be available by August 1. He acknowledges
a few days before it expires, perhaps that the current license has presented many problems
we will have new ones by then,” she and hopes that these problems will be resolved as
was told. Eventually she got an A4 soon as the new licenses arrive.
sheet containing a copy of her current Mr. Lacle said: “If you are going abroad in the
license, and a number of stamps and vacation season and want to rent a car, then you
signatures. should apply for an international driving license.”
He acknowledged that the white card has presented
WHOEVER has a license that will expire these days, Take six months many problems because it is not an official ID because
cannot request a new one, but receives a simple A4 Lacle confirms that this is temporary it does not have a lot of data about the person and
sheet as a temporary license. Police spokesman Lito because they have run out of white there is no photo on it.
cards and the pink cards haven’t
arrived yet. Opposition parties PDR Delta Blue Electronics (DBE) is the company that
and MEP responded fiercely to these delivered the software for the licenses, such as
problems. “It needs to be solved right now”, said PDR computers and cameras to Aruba Police Force (KPA).
chairman Andin Bikker. “ You cannot even rent a A company in Texas provided the security features,
car with this license (the white one).” According to but KPA ultimately prints the passes themselves.
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Monday, July 20 2015 7LOCAL