Page 29 - KPA
P. 29
AWEMainta Dialuna, 2 October 2017 9
Chauffeur pa un motibo of otro ta subi
rotonde Tanki Flip cu su auto
DIASABRA algo prome
cu 4’or di madruga presen-
cia di Polis a wordo pidi n’e
rotonde Tanki Flip pa un ac-
cidente caminda chauffeur lo
a subi e rotonde cu su auto.
Na yegada enberdad Polis ta
topa cu un Hyundai Tucson
cu a haya hopi daño material
riba e rotonde y e chauffeur
n’e sitio ta bisa Polis cu e
ta sintiendo dolor na varios
parti di su curpa.
E agentenan n’e sitio a pidi
pa presencia di ambulance,
despues di un rato nan a
presenta y a trata e chauffeur.
The Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (“AAA”) hereby invites all parties interested in
the Concession to operate the General Aviation Terminal (GAT) located at the
Southside premises of “Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix”
to submit a proposal here for to AAA.
Detailed information on the proposal requirements is provided in the
Request for Proposal document “Operation of the General Aviation Terminal
(GAT) Concession at Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix”. This document
can be obtained between Monday, October 2, 2017 and Friday, October 6,
2017, between 08.00 hrs. – 11.45 hrs. and 13.15 hrs. – 16.15 hrs. local time,
at AAA’s Reception ofce located on the rst oor inside the Airport Tower
Building. Those who wish to receive this RFP electronically should request this
via e-mail at The email requesting this document
should be received between Monday, October 2, 2017 and Friday, October 6,
2017 on or before 16.15 hrs. local time.
AAA reserves the rights not to contact all entities directly who have expressed
their interest in this type of operation at the airport in the past. However,
those entities who have shown interest in the past who have not been
contacted directly on this Request for Proposal are expressly invited to
obtain the RFP document and submit a proposal as requested herein.
Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
September 2017