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Diabierna, 29 November 2019                                  AWEMainta                                                                      29

                                                                “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada  “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
               The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.      Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.  Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemisosega.
              He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                     E ta hibaminaawatrankil,
                 he leadeth me beside the still waters.                 Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       Pa mi bolbehañaforsa”.
                       He restoreth my soul:                                 Salmo: 23                                      Salmo: 23
           he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his
                           name's sake.                             Cu inmenso dolor na nos curason,                Nos ta anunciafayecimento di:
                          Psalm 23: 1-3                           nos ta anuncia fayecimento inespera di:

             With deep sorrow we announce the passing of
                our beloved mother and grandmother

                                                                                                                Evemitha Jean Baptiste
                                                             Marlene I. Benjumea de Monroy                           *06-05-1967  -  †27-11-2019
                                                                       *24-12-1949 - †25-11-2019
                                                            Na nomber di su:                                    Acto di entiero lo wordoanunciadespues.
                                                            Esposo stima:    Eugenio Monroy Berrio
                   Cecilia Garra                            Yiunan:        Yaroslak Benjumea
                                                            Estefany Gomez
                     *09-04-1928  -  †24-11-2019            Pamela Gomez
                         Widow of †Li An                    Nietonan:             Edwin Monroy
                                                            Andres Monroy y famia
          Left to mourn are her:                            Ximena Borja
          Children: Tammie Lopez                            Maria Alejandra Borja
          Jocelyn Garra                                     Sobrina(o)nan:    Adriana, Carina, Juliana, Luis
          †Melvin Garra                                     Eduardo, Randy
          †Guadalupe Garra                                  Sobrina:       Karin Peña Monroy y famia
          Susan Garra                                       Rumannan:             Anibal Benjumea
          LevieGarra and Rudy Mabalay                       Luis Eduardo Benjumea                           “Laga tur cos cu ta den campo (tereno) y tur locual tin
                                                            Rita Benjumea
          Lucia Garra                                       Maribel Benjumea                                           den nan, ta yen di goso”
          Teresa Garra                                      Ilse Benjumea                                                  Salmo 96:12
          Joseph Garra                                      Betty Benjumea
                                                            Swa y cuñanan:   Rosaura Monroy
          Grandchildren: Tayan Lopez, K-Ann, Karren, Ann Claire,                  Xiomara Monroy
          Jasmine, RJ and Danica, Aaron and Arianne, Kenrick,                     Roberto Monroy
          Marichu, Mariel, Marjorie, Alyanna Li, Sharmaine,                       Jorge Monroy
          Kimberly, Jasmine                                                       Jairo Monroy
                                                            Demas amigo(a)nan, primo(a)nan, bisiñanan y
          The Funeral service will be held at the Inmaculate   conocirnan.
          Conception at Sta Cruz on Tuesday December 3rd,   Ta invita pa acto di condolencia y despedida lo tuma
          2019 from 3 pm to 5 pm. The body will be laid at the   lugar na Royal Funeral Home diabierna 29 di Novem-
          catholic Cemetary in Sta Cruz.                    ber 2019 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi. Cremacion lo tuma   Sr. Francisco Chirino
                                                            lugar despues den seno familiar.
          Viewing will be held at the Aurora Funeral Home on   Un agradecimento especial: Iglesia Cristiana Rios de   Miho Conoci “Chipen-Chipi”
          Monday December 2nd, 2019 from 8 pm to 10 pm      Agua Viva                                                * 14-09-1935 - † 27-11-2019
                                                            Pastor: Miguel Berlis                             Lid van Oranje Nassau, Ridder van Oranje Nassau
          We regret that we will not be able to receive any   Pastora: Fedora Berlis y demas integrantenan
          condolences after the funeral.                                                                        Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
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