Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
local Wednesday 8 March 2023
Minister Geoffrey Wever stresses the
importance of participating in the
Economic Census 2023
(Oranjestad)—In the period of June of 2023. their activities, including
of April 14th until the end of the number of products
June of this year, there will Institutions will be asked to and animals that they pro-
be a count of all businesses supply data on their eco- duce, breed and fish.
and foundations on Aruba. nomic activities, their prod-
Availability and access to ucts and services, the num- Minister Geoffrey Wever in-
current informacion on the ber of employees working, vites and urges all business-
number of companies that the total sum of their sala- es to participate in the Eco-
perform economic activi- ries for these employees nomic Census 2023. Partici-
ties is ncessary when mak- and the total sum of their pation from every business
ing or adapting the eco- revenue for the year 2020, is essential for the succes
nomic management on 2021 and 2022, among oth- of the census. Revising and
Aruba. er things. Furthermore, in- creating management for
stitutions must explain their the development of our
Recently, the Cental Of- contribution to the sector economy depends on the ing this important goal, ac- informative session about
fice of Statistics anounced of Tourism. Institutions in the current information of our cording to Minister Wever. the Economic Census 2023,
that the Economic Census sector of Agriculture, Fish- local businesses and the this is available through
2023 will take place from ing and Cattle will have Economic Census 2023 is If any business or organi- or the CBS
April 14th up until the end to provide information on an essential tool in achiev- sation is interested in an website q
This year’s International Women’s Day is
dedicated to an inclusive digital world
The UN remarks that if these ing workshops during the efit them in the future. On
women cannot have ac- month of March to em- March 14th, there will be
cess to the internet and if power women in the field a workshop on wood art.
there is no system where of technology, beauty, art On March 15th, there will
they can safely surf the dig- and self-care. be a workshop focusing
ital world, they may never on the use of eco-friendly
be able to develop the On March 7th and 8th, products for self-care. Dur-
digital skills necessary for there will be workshops to ing this workshop, women
everyday life, which may help women use social me- will learn how to make their
generate a loss of oppor- dia and work with different own eco-friendly and or-
tunities in life, and loss of online tools that can ben- ganic products.q
careers related to science
and technology.
They will make sure that
75% of jobs around the
world relate to the STEM
(Science, Technology, En-
gineering, Mathematics)
(Oranjestad)—Today marks of women’s rights in the areas by 2050. Currently,
the celebration for Interna- digital space and online women occupy only 22%
tional Women’s day. For this gender violence will be of the positions in these ar-
year’s theme, the United tackled. eas and their access to the
Nations is focusing on “an digital world is even less,
inclusive digital world: In- Nowadays, human life especially in developing
novation and Technology depends strongly on digi- countries.
for gender equality,” which tal integration, like online
focuses on women’s ac- courses, virtual meeting, “Incorporating women and
cessibility to technology connecting with loved young girls in technology
around the world. ones, making online ap- and digital education will
pointments. However, 37%
The UN’s goal for this year of women do not have ac- allow for more creative so-
lutions and will have a big-
is to pay homage to the cess to technology. ger potential for innovations
activists and organiza- that will satisfy the need of
tions that fight for technol- Globally, 63% of women women to promote equal-
ogy and education trans- around the world have ac- ity between genders and
formed by women and cess to the internet com- spark activism. The lack of
who explore the effects of pared to the 69% of men inclusion has a big cost,”
the digital gap between who have access. This gap The UN stated.
the genders in the rise of is closing each year, but in
social and economic in- developing countries, the In connection to this cele-
equality. Emphasis will be difference is still significant. bration, HIAS Aruba, along
placed on the protection
with ACNUR will be organiz-