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U.S. NEWSTuesday 23 February 2016
Scalia recalled as Supreme Court’s ‘man for all seasons’
MARK SHERMAN This photo shows the Supreme Court building at sunset in Washington. Antonin Scalia’s colleagues emerged from the red vel-
SAM HANANEL honored the late U.S. Supreme Court justice Monday in a manner he would surely have approved, vet curtains behind their
Associated Press in sharp exchanges and aggressive questions during the court’s first session since Scalia’s death. bench at 10 a.m. EST. But
WASHINGTON (AP) — An- the long-scheduled day for
tonin Scalia’s colleagues (AP Photo/Jon Elswick) arguments took on added
honored the late U.S. Su- poignancy because Scalia
preme Court justice Mon- dence of a crime should Does the valid warrant out- Roberts asked. was not there.
day in a manner he would Roberts recounted Sca-
surely have approved, in be thrown out of court if weigh the illegal stop? Or The other justices also took lia’s roots in New Jersey, his
sharp exchanges and ag- graduation at the top of his
gressive questions during the police did something should the evidence found part in questioning during class at Georgetown Uni-
the court’s first session since versity and his stellar per-
Scalia’s death. wrong or illegal in obtain- in the search be thrown two hours of arguments. formance at Harvard Law
His black cloth-draped School. As a top attorney
chair next to Chief Justice ing it. out of court because the Only Justice Clarence at the Justice Department,
John Roberts was empty, a Scalia argued his first and
visible reminder of Scalia’s “What stops us from be- person never should have Thomas, on the 10th anni- only case before the Su-
death on Feb. 13 at age preme Court in 1976, Rob-
79. Roberts began the pro- coming a police state?” been detained? versary of the last time he erts said.
ceedings by remember- “He prevailed, establishing
ing Scalia as a friend and Sotomayor asked, if police Roberts suggested he asked a question at the a perfect record before
colleague of “irrepressible could routinely stop people would allow the evidence court, said nothing at all. the court,” Roberts said to
spirit.” for no reason other than to to be used, and his ques- Two days after Thomas laughter.
The justices first seemed re- Scalia became the high
strained, understandably check if the person has an tions focused on legitimate read from the New Testa- court’s 103rd justice in 1986
sad that Scalia was gone and wrote 282 majority
and facing a prolonged arrest warrant. Armed with reasons officers run name ment at Scalia’s funeral, opinions over the next 29 ½
period without a full com- years.
plement on the bench. a warrant, police can then checks. with the rest of the court “He was also known on
Scalia had been among occasion to dissent,” Rob-
the most enthusiastic, make an arrest and search “Might it protect him when among the thousands erts said to more laughter.
sometimes cutting, ques- Some of Scalia’s sharpest
tioners. for evidence of a crime. he’s walking up to a car?” of mourners, the justices language was reserved for
But by the second of the his many dissenting opin-
morning’s two cases, the ions. The court will leave
justices’ questions grew Scalia’s chair in its place
more spirited and they at on the bench until next
times interrupted the advo- month. Only then do the
cates and each other. justices plan to switch seats
In particular, Justice Sonia in line with their seniority
Sotomayor and Roberts on the court. Justice An-
dueled over whether evi- thony Kennedy is now the
longest-serving member
Obama sends Congress $1.9B request to combat Zika of the court, with 28 years
of experience, and will sit
ANDREW TAYLOR tion of leftover funds pro- the Ebola crisis but remains moa. Travelers have also where Scalia sat.
KEVIN FREKING vided in 2014 to fight Ebola “unobligated.” Consider- returned to the continen- President Barack Obama
Associated Press to take on Zika, which has ation of a stand-alone Zika tal U.S. infected with the has vowed to nominate
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- been linked to severe birth request could prove cum- virus. a candidate to take Sca-
dent Barack Obama Mon- defects. Top House Re- bersome, especially in a So far, concerns over Zika lia’s seat, but Senate Re-
day sent lawmakers an of- publicans told the White combative election year. have been far more re- publicans, backed by their
ficial $1.9 billion request to House last week that the Zika has been spreading strained than experienced party’s presidential con-
combat the spread of the quickest way to get the through countries such during the Ebola scare. tenders, have pledged to
Zika virus in Latin America money to fight Zika would as Brazil, but is also being Voters’ fears regarding block anyone Obama puts
and the U.S. be to use some of the ap- transmitted by mosquitoes Ebola were seen as hurting forward. Republicans have
He is also requesting flex- proximate $2.7 billion that in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Obama’s party in the 2014 said the choice should
ibility to use a limited por- had been designated for Islands, and American Sa- midterm landslide.q await the next president in